Young Heroes


by Lia from Midlothian

A Little Background:

Mark Edward Fischbach, more commonly known by his YouTube name Markiplier, was born at  Tripler Army Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii on June 28, 1989. His dad was in the military, where he met his Korean mom. After Mark was born, his family moved to Cincinnati, Ohio. Mark has one brother named Jason Thomas Fischbach. Originally, he studied at the University of Cincinnati to become a medical engineer, but dropped out to follow his career as a YouTuber. Even before this, Mark wanted to become a voice actor.

Mark joined YouTube May 26, 2012, uploading videos of himself playing video games. His very first series was of the game Amnesia: The Dark Descent. He went on to play a couple other games before YouTube banned his Adsense account. He made an appeal to get it back, but it was lost. Mark then created another channel called MarkiplierGAME. In 2014 his YouTube channel was listed on the New Media Rockstar's Top 100 channels.

During the Cyndago collaboration, Mark collaborated the sketch comedy and music channel known as Cyndago. One of the members attempted suicide and died two days later, and the members chose to disband. Many of their sketches and music videos were done with Mark. After the death of his friend Mark  stopped uploading on YouTube from September 15th to October 5th, 2015.

Since starting Mark has collaborated with other YouTubers and friends to create more game playthroughs, comedy/improv, and challenges. He has been on a panel with Red Giant Entertainment board, and was a co-host in the 2015 South by Southwest Gaming Awards. Mark was featured in YouTube Rewind 2015.

March 23, 2015 Mark had an emergency surgery to remove a blockage in his intestine. He posted three videos that day from his hospital bed and got over five million views. The surgery was a success and thankfully he was able to go back to making videos and being the same old goofy Markiplier we know him to be.

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A Hero to Viewers and to the Community:

It is said that Mark is known as one of the most down-to-earth YouTubers. He has a very good relationship with all of his fans, thanking them constantly for support. Mark is very proud of the community of people he has built and enjoys interacting with fans through conventions and social media. He even does videos where he will read comments on his videos as a kind of Q and A. He is often seen as an inspiration to people, posting videos where he talks about his life and where he wants to be in the future. In these videos Mark encourages people to keep going and tells them that they can do anything they set their mind to.

As of 2017 Mark has also announced that he will be doing monthly charity live streams. During these he and his friends will get together to make one long, usually ten or so hour live stream for people to donate to a charity of Mark's choosing. Mark also has a variety of products available to buy during the live stream to raise even more money. As of July 2016, he announced that he, his friends, and his viewers have been able to raise more than one million dollars for many different charities.

It's not just the viewers that have been donating all this money to charity, and Mark is not just the person telling everyone to donate. Everytime he does a charity stream he donates hundreds to thousands of dollars every live stream. He makes a lot of money, to put it into perspective YouTubers are payed $2-5 for every thousand views, plus the money from advertisements and the money from merchandise. Any of his regular videos get between five hundred thousand to one million views in just two days. But despite all the money he makes, Mark is still a very kind a generous person. He donates so much of it to charity and I'm willing to bet that if any one of his friends or family were to need help he would be there, because that's just the sort of person he is. He has also met many fans through the Make A Wish Foundation.

Mostly I think fans like him because his videos are always so funny and I believe that just in general it puts people in a good mood. Maybe not everyone wants to watch someone play videos games - and that's totally fine - but his personality is so fun. People also probably like him because of how motivational he is. As I've mentioned before sometimes he will upload videos talking about where he wants to be in the future and what he wants to do, while encouraging viewers on as well by saying that they can do it and they can take control of their life no matter how out of reach it may seem.

Mark will say that he hasn't been through that much in his life and that his childhood wasn't bad. He'll say that a lot of people had it much worse than he did, and that's true, but it doesn't mean that what he went through doesn't matter.  His parents divorced, they didn't have a lot of money, it was hard times. Yet what Mark says is that he also got something good out of it because of how much time he was able to spend with his dad. I don't think I'm the right person to talk about this all because it didn't happen to me, so if you would like watch Mark's Draw My Life video click here.

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A Hero to Me:

I've actually already talked about the reason the Mark is my hero without directly saying it before. The reason I chose to write about Markiplier above anybody else is because he has gotten me through a lot without me having even met him. When I left Elementary school and it was time for me to go to Middle School, I fell into a kind of sad time, because I knew that all my friends were going to a different school and I wouldn't know anybody at my new one. I wasn't depressed, I was just unhappy for a long period of time. Everything was still normal but I didn't feel normal. Over the summer Mark gave me exactly what I had been lacking; laughter. I remember browsing through YouTube for something to watch, and even though he's really popular I stumbled across his channel on accident. I was looking for something to take my mind off life because I wasn't feeling very good that day. I certainly found what I was looking for.

The first Markiplier video I ever watched was a Yandere Simulator video. The way Mark played it made me laugh, especially the way he acted like he was the character being played as. My parents would actually come into my room and ask why I was laughing so much.

Since Mark makes daily uploads, watching his videos became part of a routine for me. Not that I had a specific time dedicated for YouTube, but I would always watch his videos at least once a day. Everything he uploaded as new I would watch, and when I didn't have recent things to watch I would go through the series he had made and watch videos from those. Whenever I was feeling down, it felt like I had someone that was there guiding me through it, even though I have never met him. His videos have actually inspired me over time. Mark's improv videos have shown me my interest in improv, something I may want to build on in the future. He has shown me that I really can control my life. I only had two friends at school but I still decided to join chess club and another outside of school club because I was tired of being alone.

I've been watching Mark for a little less than a year now, he has really stuck with me. It's weird to say but I can't really imagine my life if I didn't watch his videos. Everything I did was a change that I decided to make but he is the one who influenced me to do it. Honestly over the summer when I didn't really have anyone to hang out with Mark was like my friend. Kind of sad, I know, friends with a person on a screen who I will probably never get to meet, but it's true. He is such an honest and genuine person, he doesn't seem fake like some of the other YouTubers. You can see his emotion in his actions and you can feel it in his stories about when he was younger. No matter what people say, he is a good person. I can tell, at least.

If I ever get the chance to meet him I don't doubt that I would probably cry small tears of joy when I saw him. Mark has inspired me so much, and I wish that I could tell him how much he helped me without even knowing it. I hope you see now why I chose him as my hero. So a big thank you to Markiplier for everything that he does for everybody every single day.


Page created on 6/9/2017 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 6/9/2017 12:00:00 AM

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