Robert Nesta Marley, better known as Bob Marley was born on February 6, 1945 in Roden Hall, north of Jamaica. Bob Marley had something special about him but no one got to see his talent and potential until he reached his teen years. His talent made him a well known musician that made him a big part in the music industry. Bob Marley became a known musician because of his way of expressing himself through reggae and ska. He made great music including great meaningful lyrics to go along with them. His music came from his soul and it affected the people in their hearts.
Bob Marley got a group called "The Wailers" involved with his music contributing with each other and making good music together.Bob Marley was heroic because of what he said in his music. He got himself involved with politics through his music, because of his involvement some saw him as a threat and a attempted assasination was taken out on Bob Marley. He survived the attempt and continued to do what he does best. With all that Jamaica was going through with their problems his music made them look forward to a better day and gave them hope to carry on.
Bob Marley was considered a great musician and person to many people. His way of handling certain situations made him the great person that he still is today in all his fans hearts and family members. Pouring his heart out into his songs and giving them meaning and having people believe in his music made him the legend and is going to keep him the legend that he still is today. He was a rare musican gifted by "Jah" to make the world a better place and to make a difference. I Rastafari being a big influence in his music just made Jamaica fall in love with him even more.
Bob Marley's music brought joy to many people and a sense of relief. He continued to make good music even in the worse of times. He and his band members made such an impact that they can't be forgotten. Bob Marlely is a talented muscian to me and I consider him a hero. He was one if the best. Compared to the musicans that we have now a days he ranks on top of all of them. Maybe if we still had musicans now a days like Bob Marley the world could be a better place. If we had real musicans that aren't all about the money and were just about making a difference, our youth could be better and not so troubled.I consider Bob Marley a hero because he made a difference. His words encrouraged many people look at life in a different perspective.Everytime I listen to his music it gives me a feeling of what he was going through at the time and what he was trying to say. The fact that so much encouragement was given through his music makes me admire him .
Bob Marley is one of the greatest musicians to share his talent with the world. His music just made everyones day a better day. His talent awakened plenty of peoples senses and he introduced them to good meaningful music. He made a difference and that's what a real hero is to me. Someone who isn't afraid to stand up and make a change. Sadly we lost him to cancer but as long as we carry on his music in our hearts and minds and listen to them he will live on and the "LEGEND" won't be forgotten.
Page created on 6/9/2004 12:00:00 AM
Last edited 6/9/2004 12:00:00 AM