Missy is my hero, for many reasons. She helps me through the hard times, helps me with school work, and makes me feel like my past doesn't matter! Ever since I have known her she has done the best she can to make me feel like this. Most people do not realize that she has done some great things for me, so that's why I'm writing this paper.
Missy is a great person. When I'm stressed out because of something that somebody said or did to me, she is ALWAYS there for me! She is like an older sister to me. I don't have an older sister but I now know what it feels like to have one! When I feel like God has abandoned me, although I know he hasn't, I can always go to her for helpful advice to get me through the rest of the day. I really appreciate that she cares enough for me that she can be there. It takes up her time that she could be doing other things. If I were a Senior in High School, I probably wouldn't want anything to do with a little eighth grader in Middle School. That's why I love her! She comes over to the Middle School and doesn't ignore me like other high schoolers would do, but she stands there and talks to me about my day, homework, or life in general.
One thing that I have recently struggled with this year is homework. I can't seem to do it all without getting stressed out! I have always said my mom is the only one who cares about my grades...but that's before I knew Missy! I thought she'd think it was cool or wouldn't care if I did or didn't do my homework...but I was SOOO wrong! She asks me all the time if I did my homework, if I'm getting good grades, and if I'm being respectful to my teachers. She also talks to my mom about my grades, to see if they are improving or decreasing. One thing I can't seem to understand is why she cares so much? Is it because she really does care about me? Is it because she wants me to have a good education? I think it is all of the above. I really needed that extra push this year, thanks Missy!
My past shouldn't matter to me if I have talked to God about it, but it does. I feel guilty because of some of the things I've done or said. Missy has been through a lot and although she has had a rough life she doesn't leave out God! We have somewhat of a similar past, and we both know about each other's past. When I'm feeling down and gloomy because I've been thinking about something in the past that happened, I talk to her about it and she tells me not to worry and that God WILL come through for me. Or that she has been down the same road and gives me advice on how to handle my feelings. The one thing that I love the most about Missy is that she doesn't care about something you said or what you've done! She is friends with you because of who you are! She doesn't like it when you pretend to be someone or something you're not!
I think Missy has been SOOO good to me and for me. She makes me realize things I never have before! I don't think she knows how much she has impacted my life, so that's why I wrote this paper - to show how much she cares for a person like me and to show her that she has dramatically changed my life as a human being! Thank You sooo much Missy, I really do appreciate everything you've done, A LOT!!
Page created on 2/19/2010 12:00:00 AM
Last edited 2/19/2010 12:00:00 AM