

by Kell from Kennett Square

Kitty Kelley once said, "A hero I someone we can admire without apology." To me a hero is a person who helps other people even if they don't want to. This is why my mom, Kathy O'keefe is my hero. I choose my mom because she'll do anything for anyone even if she doesn't want to.

            My mom was strong as a kid, but got stronger when she became a single mother. My mom was born in Wilmington, Delaware and had a good life. By the time she was 26 years old she realized that she would be doing all the work for the rest of her life so she got a divorce and took me with her. When I was 6 years old she met my step-dad, Matt O'keefe.  She married him in 2000 and had another child.  If my mother had stayed with my dad we'd probably have no money, I wouldn't live in Kennett, and my mom would be doing all the work and making all the money.

As a single mother between 1996-2000 my mom always kept her head up and was a strong, hard working woman. When I was born my mom knew my dad wasn't going to be able to support us so she decided to leave. Since my mom let my dad have the house she had to live with my grandparents. My mom did meet someone and got engaged, but she also had to go to court with my dad to file a divorce. In 2000 my mom married my step dad and had gotten the house back and had known he was going to help support her life. My mom has been a hero because she showed me that everyone makes mistakes but you shouldn't let them bring you down, you should learn from them.

Page created on 6/2/2012 2:13:11 PM

Last edited 9/9/2018 2:15:56 AM

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