

by Melissa from Calgary

Montana Web (I made it.)
Montana Web (I made it.)

About my hero. My hero is an animal. She is a dog. Her name is Montana. She is a German Shepherd and was only two months old the day of the event. I got her in December before Christmas of 2005 but she was an early Christmas present. I got her on a farm that was selling puppies for $200. I picked out a puppy but then I put that puppy back because there was something different about Montana than the rest of the puppies. I wasen't sure what is was. So I got my puppy and took her home. I was thinking about calling her Samantha but I thought Montana suited her better. Today she gets in a lot of mischief and chews everything. Of course I still love her and I'm happy my parents got her for me! Like I said, the puppies were $200 but I wouldn't sell her for any amount of money in the world!

The event
One day, my mother, sister and I decided to burn garbage outside. We took the dogs (Montana and Cuddles) out with us. We got all the garbage and took it outside with us. It was a warm and sunny day even though it was just after Christmas. Once we reached the big fire pit, we put the garbage in and lit it. So we just threw in garbage for a while. When we were half way through burning the garbage, my mom decided to let it burn and stop throwing garbage in. So my mom took off the cover that goes on top of the fire pit but it was really hot. My mother wasn’t thinking (neither were we) and she threw it on a garbage bag a couple feet away from us. We turned to watch the fire. My mother decided to put some more garbage in the fire. Then we heard my dog barking! She was barking at the garbage bag that was catching on fire! So really fast, my mother put it out before it hurt someone or caught the house on fire. We thanked my dog and I was really happy. I couldn’t believe my puppy, that was only two months old, warned us about the garbage bag catching on fire. If she didn’t bark or warn us somehow, the house could have caught on fire! I’m really proud of my puppy for what she had done. Then I thought maybe when she was older, since she did this, she just might save someone’s life one day. I won’t ever forget what she did that day!

Montana (From home)
Montana (From home)

A description of my hero
My hero is a forest German shepherd. Instead of the tan she has silver. The silver is like a really light tan, almost white. She has black as well. Her ears are straight and alert. Sometimes her right ear flops over. Montana’s tail is long and black. She has a couple of white hairs on the end of her tail. On each of her paws she has a darker tan colour that makes her look like she is wearing tan boots. Her eyes are brown and she watches everything. Her coat is shiny and smooth, she loves to get it dirty. Montana is a healthy and fit dog. Montana is a beautiful dog.

Facts about my hero
Montana is the name of my hero. She was born on November 6, 2005. She loves playing in the snow! She even eats it. When we go in the forest behind our house Montana loves it. She runs around in there and she chews on bushes. Even the prickly ones! When cars go by, Montana stares at them and tries to catch them. She doesn’t get past our yard though. Montana is very obedient. She comes when she is called and she does the tricks I taught her. She is also easy to train. When I taught her to sit, shake a paw, and lay down she learned it in one day! She is very playful. Whenever you try to pet her, she starts bouncing around wanting you to play with her. You should see her run! There is a lab next door and she can even run faster than him! She is very fast! They way I talk about her makes her sound perfect, but she isn’t. She chews on everything! She even ripped the cord on my web cam! Montana even ripped a really nice coat of mine! She is a handful! I still love her no matter what!

What I think about her
Montana is a good dog. She is determined to make me happy, and she is very loyal. She loves being around people and playing with them. She is also very well behaved. When we take her to the clinic to get shots or for the vet to look at her, she is very calm and lets them do what they need to do. I think she is obedient and easy to train. Once I teach her those tricks, she does them without hesitation. I even get complimented by the vets that she is really well trained. I’m not even finished training her yet. She even travels well. When we take long car rides she doesn’t make any sounds unless she has to go to the bathroom. I also think she is brave. I think that because she warned us about a growing fire and that means a lot to me. I couldn’t be any prouder of Montana. I love her more than words can say!

Page created on 3/15/2006 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 3/15/2006 12:00:00 AM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

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