
NYC Firefighters

by Brie from Commerce City

Suddenly heroes aren't the ones hitting 70 homeruns in a season or performing on the big screen. They're not making millions of dollars every year. They are not the ones that have their faces put on a box of Wheaties. And kids don't necessarily want to be "like mike." A hero to me is someone who has courage, strength, and also has respect for citizens. These are the attributes or qualities that my heroes the 9/11 firefighters had. Not only did they risk their lives but also they helped save lives too.

You may think that it is easy to become a firefighter but it is not. A Firefighter goes through various requirements. The most basic requirement is your age. You have to be at least 18 years of age at the time of the interview or in other departments you have to be twenty and a half. Also you either have to have a high school diploma or a G.E.D. Probably the biggest requirement would be if you are in physical shape. During training firefighters go through eight timed events. You must not have any condition to which that will affect your ability to safely perform rescue work. A firefighter must have good eye vision, either a 20/40 or 20/20. Besides the general requirements you must take a written test that is composed of basic math, reading and writing. Also there is the oral interview, which test your teamwork and probelm solving ability and respect for others. They also test your background to see if you have a criminal history, respect for the law and your employment record.

Firefighters are of major importance in our lives because not only do they help us but also they are our friends. Some people think that firefighters are only there to rescue you when you get in a car accident or there is a fire. No firefighters can also be our friends. The way that a firefighter can be our friend is by being there when you need them besides rescuing you. They are there to listen to your troubles that you may have and need to tell someone. Firefighters not only perform a job, but they also help out in the community. A firefighter or teams of them go to schools to teach children about safety and the possibilities of a career as a firefighter.

As you can see fire fighting is a dangerous but often rewarding career. The firefighters of 9/11 saved many lives and turned this tragedy into something positive for everyone. They proved that not only do they save and rescue people, they can also be a positive influence to the community. Never forget the tragedy of 9/11 and those that risked their lives for others.

A firefighter does not want to be thought of as a "Hero" as in the case of 9/11. They would like to be remembered as those that risked their lives for the lives of others. Many of them lost friends and family to this tragedy of September 11. What drew me to choose the 9/11 firefighters as my hero are they not only kept there heads high and a smile on there face during the tragic event, they never let the event get them down to where they did not want to do there job anymore but instead they went back to doing there job to help save as many people as they could even if it meant risking their lives for the lives of others. This is why I choose the 9/11 firefighters as my heroes.

Page created on 2/11/2004 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 2/11/2004 12:00:00 AM

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