
Nathan Hale

by Jack Thurman

Nathan Hale, Revolutionary War Spy ( ())
Nathan Hale, Revolutionary War Spy ( ())

A hero is someone who helps others or helps to make the lives of other people better. Heroes often do more than what is expected of them. Nathan Hale was an American spy in the American Revolutionary War. He was captured and killed by the British Navy, but his heroic bravery inspired other Americans to continue fighting the British.

Nathan Hale Homestead ( ())
Nathan Hale Homestead ( ())

Nathan Hale was born in Coventry, Connecticut on June 5th 1755 . His father was Richard Hale, a farmer, and his mother was Elizabeth Strong, a Puritan. Hale was very smart as a child and very talented at a lot of stuff like sports and singing . He went to college at the age of 14 and graduated two years later. After that, he set out to do his dream job , being a teacher. He was respected and loved by his students. Nathan joined the army after a few years of teaching. After a lot of work he became a captain. General Washington needed a spy to volunteer to go into New York to learn about the enemy. Even though Hale's friend tried to talk him out of it, he went to NY disguised as a Dutch teacher and gathered information about the British army. When he was signaling his rescue boat, he accidentally signaled a British ship. The British found notes of his spy work in the soles of his shoes . The next day he said last words which were "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country," before he was executed by Britain.

Nathan Hale is captured by the British ( (Don Troiani))
Nathan Hale is captured by the British ( (Don Troiani))

The heroic traits that Nathan Hale had were courage, selflessness and bravery. He showed courage when he went on a mission even though his friend tried to talk him out of going on the mission he was killed on. He was selfless because he cared more about his country than he did about himself. He said, "I wish to be useful, and every kind of service necessary to the public good becomes honorable by being necessary." Hale was brave because, in the end, he was not afraid to die for his country.

Nathan Hale was an American spy in the Revolutionary War. He was captured by British troops while spying on them and was executed. He should be remembered as a great hero because he went beyond the army's expectations and inspired our army to keep on fighting, and dedicated his life to protecting our country.

Page created on 1/2/2013 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 1/2/2013 12:00:00 AM

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Related Links

Apples 4 the Teacher - A Fun Educational Website for Teachers and Kids
Find a Grave - See the graves of thousands of famous people from around the world.
Social Studies for Kids - This site is a resource for students, teachers, and anyone else who wants to learn about Social Studies.
YouTube - Liberty`s Kids: #16 "One Life to Lose" (1/2)