
Nelson Mandela

by Madison from Barrie

Nelson holding his fist up for power and freedom. (Google Images-Nelson Mandela)
Nelson holding his fist up for power and freedom. (Google Images-Nelson Mandela)

I chose Nelson Mandela because he got thrown in jail for doing something he knew was right, and yet, after this whole experience he still did what was right, even though others disagreed with him. This inspires me to do what's right no matter what.

Nelson Mandela was born on July 18 in the year of 1918. His birthplace was in Mvezo, which is located in South Africa. Nelson was educated in the University College of Fort Hare, and the University of Witwatersrand. He also qualified in law school. As Nelson was born to his dad's second wife, Jongitaba, he was also raised by her. When Nelson started a family of his own he had two daughters named Makazwie, a son named Thembi who died at 25 in a car accident, and another son named Makgatho who died of aids in 2005. His granddaughter just recently died in a car accident as well. Nelson was the first person in his family to attend school. His real name is not actually Nelson, his teacher just named him that.

Nelson Mandela's greatest influence is God, another one of his influences are the black people who were treated and kicked around like dirt, he made an act to stop this. As Nelson learned from his obstacles he had a couple main things to help him overcome them:

1. “Don’t shrink your fears for your ambitions”. Nelson lived and is living life easy and relaxed.

2. “Move towards your fear…” Nelson found out that moving towards your fear is just like going after something you want most. An example of this is when Nelson was in jail, he wanted to stop apartheid but he could not stop just because of being imprisoned.

3. “Educate Yourself.” Mandela learned that education is a great power to hold against anything to achieve or overcome anything. A great example of this is when they tried to make Nelson drunk to talk him into things he didn’t want to do, he was smart enough to not give into there plan. Nelson overcame fear well. He watched others of his kind be treated poorly then said to himself “I need to change things...” He became a patient man because he had to wait 27 years to change the world. I consider Nelson a hero because it would have been hard to be in jail while others beat you down, telling you that you can’t do it, then having to transform yourself into a peacemaker who stopped apartheid and has influenced the world to change their ways.

After Nelson was on the run for telling the blacks that apartheid was wrong he was caught in 1961, and was put in jail for 27 years. Nelson asked his best friend in jail to help him start the end of the long war of apartheid as Nelson started the beginning of the end by telling the general that they have equal rights, quote “General you and I may be generals on the opposite side of this war, and at some point, even if it is to accept the other's surrender, from the other we will have to meet. How we treat each other now will determine how we treat each other later.”

When it came to Nelson’s family he chose it to be second because his country needed his help more. After Nelson’s long 27 years in prison he became a politician to run for an anti-apartheid nation. This all took place in the year of 1990 when he was released by the White President only to compromise the Blacks into not going into a non-multi race. Mandela quotes that “….you don’t need education to know that this is wrong!” Nelson Mandela has accomplished many things in life, but his major one was when he became the first black president to stop apartheid with a democratic election. Another one of his many accomplishments is he won a Nobel Peace Award and over 250 other awards. He has also received keys to many cities as well.

My hero demonstrates many characteristics but the main three are courage, honesty, and respect. He shows respect by caring about others that are different. He shows honesty by telling people the right thing even though this sentenced him to a life in prison. Mandela shows honesty also, by being honest with the people of Africa and telling them that we all have equal rights no matter who we are. He shows courage by standing up for what he believed in, even though others were scared to stand with him. Nelson Mandela shows courage by sacrificing himself and family for his nation and the world. Mandela shows respect for the people and different colour of people.

My hero influences me in being honest in the things I do and never giving up in what I believe in, even if I have to wait for it to happen. He also influences me to be okay with who I am even though I am a different colour than everyone else.

Page created on 11/12/2010 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 11/12/2010 12:00:00 AM

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60 Minutes. "Nelson Mandela. "

Home Video. "Nelson Manela. "

Nelson Mandela. "Nelson Mandela Biography." [Online] Available

Nelson Mandela. "Famous People." [Online] Available

Nelson Mandela. "Leadership with you." [Online] Available