
Nick Vujicic

by Lucas from San Diego

"With God, nothing is impossible; and he can display his strength through you."-Nick Vujicic
Nick Vujicic (
Nick Vujicic (

There are many cureless disorders out there in the world. Tetra-Amelia is one of them. Tetra-Amelia is an extremely rare disorder that causes an individual to be born without limbs. However, this dreadful disorder changed the hearts of millions of people through one man, Nick Vujicic. Vujicic was born on December 4th, 1982, in Melbourne, Australia. After Vujicic was born, his parents were devastated. His father rushed out of the hospital delivery room to vomit, and his mother refused to hold Vujicic for four months. Their son was healthy, but limbless. Everyone thought Vujicic would die in a couple of years and had no hope in him, but God had a plan for him and his plan did not fail. Vujicic became the hero who could change this world. Although his life was painful and rough, he did not give up. As a result, he became the true hero who gives hope and courage to the hopeless and acts with persistence in every move he makes. Meet Nick Vujicic, the limbless hero.

Nick Vujicic studying at school (
Nick Vujicic studying at school (

Vujicic’s life can be described as anything but easy. He had to go over many obstacles in his life. Some were low but many were high, but he did not give up and kept his chin up for he knew that God had a purpose in him. One of the biggest obstacles he had to conquer was school. “Throughout his childhood Nick dealt not only with the typical challenges of school and adolescence such as bullying and self-esteem issues; he also struggled with depression and loneliness as he questioned why he was different from all the other kids surrounding him; why he was the one born without arms and legs. He wondered what the purpose behind his life was, or if he even had a purpose” (Millet). Vujicic’s classmates treated Vujicic differently in school and some of his classmates started to bully him. Vujicic, whose self-esteem started to decrease dramatically, asked his parents why he was born only one without limbs and blamed them. Often, he would stay home to get away from unnecessary attention. Vujicic read God’s word at struggling times and learned how to comfort himself. However Vujicic was too young and fragile. He couldn’t adapt to such an environment and eventually attempted to commit suicide. “At the age of eight, I told my mom I wanted to commit suicide. At the age of ten, I tried” (Vujicic). Yet as time went on, Vujicic spent more time with the Bible. His life started to change when he read the Bible verses, James 1:3 and 4 "Know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." Nick knew that his lack of limbs was just a testing of his faith from God, so he accepted the way he is and his loyalty for God hardened. Vujicic’s change was astonishing. Vujicic started to prove other people’s thoughts toward him wrong of not being able to do anything. “No one ever thought I would start walking until I did. No one ever thought I would be able to write until I started writing” (Vujicic). Nick Vujicic started to do things everyone thought was impossible to do. No matter what others said, Vujicic did not give up. He believed in himself and knew that God was right behind his back. His hard work eventually lead him to double major in financial planning and accounting at the young age of twenty-one. He also made the non-profit organization “Life without Limbs.” Vujicic’s assiduous and pure heart establishes him as a deserving hero.

Nick playing one of his favorite sports, golf. (
Nick playing one of his favorite sports, golf. (

Vujicic uses his unique stories of past experiences, and shows how great a man God can make out of a limbless man. He encourages others to have faith in God and live their best. Vujicic goes around the world telling his heart-breaking stories and giving people life lessons. “He told the story of how his life went from a ‘life without limbs’ to a ‘life without limits’” (Brandy). Vujicic’s miracle caused millions of people to become Christian. After becoming Christian, hopeless people start to find hope through the Bible and experience a huge change in their life. Influenced Christians start to have faith in God just like Vujicic did. When Vujicic tells about his hardships, people reconsider their situation and realize it is incomparable to Vujicic’s. “I prayed every night to God, asked him to let me be a human.” (Vujicic) Nick Vujicic did not consider himself as a human. All he wanted was limbs. Unlike Vujicic we always want more and more, even though we are living an abundant life. Through Vujicic’s speeches we realize our mistake. Vujicic encourages others to live their best, the characteristic of a real hero.

Nick Vujicic preaching to thousnds of people. (
Nick Vujicic preaching to thousnds of people. (

Out of every fifty million child births, there is one with Tetra-Amelia disorder. Of these people, most of them do not survive past childhood. Nick Vujicic is one of the few lucky who did and in response to his survival, he works to inspire others to rise to their best. Most people get discouraged and give up easily. Even though there may be some hardships from time to time, Vujicic reminds us that God has a purpose for everyone and that God’s purpose never fails. Nick Vujicic is an inspiration because of his sturdy heart and willingness to help others. “I realized that God’s presence is able to be shown through my weakness” (Vujicic). Vujicic overcame his weakness and shows the presence of God. He helps everyday people remember everyone is a treasure and inspires others, which is the mark of a true hero.

Nick Vujicic (
Nick Vujicic (

Works Consulted

Lyndley, Glenis. "No Limbs, No Limits." Signs of The Times Mar.2005: n. pag. Web. 7 May 2010.

Millet, Mike. "Nick Vujicic" Attitude is Altitude (2007):n. pag. Web. 7 May 2010.

Werner, Brandy. "Nick Vujicic tells Monroe of His Life Without Limbs." Agora (2010): n. pag. Web. 7 May 2010.

Vujicic, Nick. "About Nick Vujicic." Life Without Limbs. (2009):n. pag. Web. 7 May 2010

Page created on 5/24/2010 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 5/24/2010 12:00:00 AM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Related Links

Life Without Limbs - Nick Vujicic's non-profit organization website. Videos of Vujicic included.
Attitude is Altitude - Biography of Nick Vujicic. Has recent news about Vujicic's travel around the world. Videos of Vujicic included.