
Nathan Sawaya

by Victoria from Laguna Beach

I recently came across a photo of Nathan Sawaya's sculptures installed in Times Square in the NY Times. I have to admit that I was immediately intrigued. The life size figures are made out of LEGO bricks and although the work is simple, I know very well how carefully this art is constructed and how seriously the artist takes his work.

Of course, many of us have spent many hours playing on the floor surrounded by hundreds or perhaps thousands of tiny multi- colored plastic brick pieces. Time goes by quickly and our imagination and our building skills are challenged in the process. Nathan Sawaya realized that he would rather sit on the floor in his studio than be a lawyer, a profession that he had been trained for and was practicing.

Nathan Sawaya has successfully wedded his youthful enthusiasm for building LEGOs with a passion for art making and a humanist vision. His figures are playful and thought provoking. And even, if you think for a moment that you could have made these LEGO sculptures, I seriously caution you to think again. Sawaya not only came up with the ideas first but he also accomplished his vision beautifully and succinctly. He has captured the human spirit and several different human emotions with the most accessible building toys available.

The works of art by Nathan Sawaya are fun and yet they are provocative. They are a testament to the innovative spirit of the artist who conceived and successfully accomplished these works. You can view Nathan Sawaya's art in New York City in Times Square and you can find more of his work on his website I suggest we investigate further his heroic yet down-to-earth creations and I welcome his unique point of view to the world of contemporary art.

Page created on 6/21/2013 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 6/21/2013 12:00:00 AM

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Related Links

The Art of the Brick - Nathan Sawaya