Young Heroes


by Stephanie from Van Nuys

My Hero is my buddy

My name is Stephanie and my hero is my best buddy Nico. There are a lot of reasons why he’s my hero and those reasons are? Well actually I’m not going to tell you right this moment because you need to keep reading to find out. But I'll tell you one thing; his mom is fighting a skin cancer so imagine how Nico must feel.

Ok Nico is my hero because as you know his mother has skin cancer. And he’s being strong and confident about that. He has no doubt that she will get better and be stronger than ever. He’s also very strong with all the harsh things that some of the kids at his school say to him. They say that he’s weird and a freak because of the way he dresses.

I also think he’s strong because one of his best friends who was like a brother to him passed away and yea he’s upset about it but is taking it really well. And also because his father used to beat him and his mom when he was younger and before his father also passed away.

Another reason is that he’s kind and thoughtful. The reason why I think that is because every Sunday he would go to church and afterwards he would help and give things to the less fortunate. At first when I met him and I found out about the things he does I thought it was all an act but it's actually true. He really does those things. He also gives his old childhood stuff away, even though he didn’t have much when he was in elementary school. He has sort of a better life except for some issues he still has.

But anyways the point is that he’s kind and helps out others. Even though he’s going through a lot in his life right now, he still has hopes and dreams that he won't give up on yet. One of his dream is for his band to make it in the music career. Even though his band has a lot of issues right now, he still has faith in them. His other dream is to be successful in his life and help out his mother. So as you can see he’s a good guy who’s been mistaken by a lot of people and a lot that has happened to him has happened for a reason; at least that’s what he thinks. So I learned a lot from him and I will never forget the last thing he ever said to me before he left to Hollywood. He said “never let fear get in the way of your hopes and dreams” and that was the last thing he ever said to me so that’s why Nico is my hero.

Page created on 11/4/2009 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 11/4/2009 12:00:00 AM

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