
Oprah Winfrey

by Peanut Gallery from New York

Oprah was born in Kosciusko, Mississippi on January 29,1954. Her parents names are Vernon Winfrey (Dad) and Vernita Lee (Mom). Her real name is Orpah Gail Winfrey. Oprah also had a little boy at the age of fourteen, but lost it because it was born two months premature.


Later at the age of 16 She was crowned Miss Black Tennessee. When she was 17 she started broadcasting a radio channel, two years later she became a news reporter on T.V. She then got a scholarship to college. She majored in speech, communication, and performing arts. She went to Tennessee State University (TSU). One of them was when she became the first African American to be a billionaire.

Opening African school
Opening African school

Oprah has demonstrated heroism many times. One of the times she has was when she went over to Africa to build a school for the little kids. Another time was when she went down to Louisiana to give Katrina people food and donations. She also gives great advice to people on her show.

We think that Oprah is considered a hero because she isn't selfish, she is nice, the first African American billion, she's thoughtful. She is considered unselfish because she isn't greedy with her money. On her show she is extremely calm and nice and knows how to tell people bad news in a good way. She is a hero for being the first African American because she made a breakthough in history and showed other African Americans that they can do something if they really want it. She is extremely thoughtful because on her show when she is talking to someone she accepts their emotions really well.

Today Oprah is still living. She is living a great life, she is a billionaire talk show host. She also is the maker/helper of the school built in Africa. We think that her show is awesome and we love it. We encourage all readers to watch her show. Especially if you need some advice or you just want to watch a great show.

Page created on 4/22/2007 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 4/18/2024 1:36:57 AM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Author Info

We built this web page for language Arts class. We choose Oprah because we thought that she was a true hero, because of all the stuff she has done to help other people.