
Olivia Harrison

by Bianca-Cristina
from Constanta, Romania

Olivia Harrison, standing right
Olivia Harrison, standing right

Olivia Harrison is George Harrison's widow, one of the former Beatles. She is slim, gentle, and beautiful, a discreet and loving person. All her life she has been involved in helping children in need throughout the world, and I am one of them.

I was one of the many abandoned children from Romania and she decided to help us through her Romanian Angel Appeal organization. My mother met her and worked as a Portage teacher in all the projects.

Olivia Harrison started her work in Romania, renovating the buildings where abandoned children lived and improving their living conditions. Then she realized that children also needed an education and she trained educators. Her next involvement was with HIV children, providing proper medication for the Day Clinics, educators for the abandoned HIV children in hospitals and a Mobile Unit for those living with their families.

My mother met Olivia Harrison when the Educational Program started. She traveled everywhere Romanian Angel Appeal had projects and she had the opportunity to see abandoned children considered with "special needs" become "normal" as a result of the love and care of the educators. My mom and dad, having no children of their own, decided to adopt me and my twin brother. When we were old enough to understand this important change in our lives they told us the truth. I don't consider them being less parents than others; on the contrary, I think they did a heroic thing.

Everything I have written about I know from my mother, but I also did my own research on the Internet. I admire all the Beatles' wives for what they have done, but most of all I worship Olivia Harrison. If she hadn't met my mother, my brother and I wouldn't have had the opportunity to live in a loving family. She gave us a chance to live a better life and I'm grateful for that.

Page created on 8/28/2011 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 8/28/2011 12:00:00 AM

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Nobody's Child - a benefit CD released in 1990 to benefit Romanian orphans.