
Princess Diana

by Catherine from Hamilton

Princess Diana ( (Sites at Penn State))
Princess Diana ( (Sites at Penn State))

Imagine a world without hope. Just the same day over and over. This was what happened until Princess Diana came into the world. Princess Diana didn't always live with royalty and she had obstacles in life. Even though she wasn't always with royalty, she still did a lot in the world. Princess Diana was a true hero and people need to know why.

Princess Diana wasn't always a princess. She married into the throne with Prince Charles and then later got divorced because the prince got back with his old girlfriend, Camila Parker. Before and after she was a princess, she was a children's activist. While she had this occupancy, she learned that children were getting severely injured or even killed from landmines in other countries, so she tried and almost succeeded to ban them. Princess Diana died from a high speed car chase at the age thirty-six from the paparazzi.

Princess Diana didn't always have a perfect life. Despite her royalty, she had obstacles to go through. She had to raise two boys with and without royalty. Her divorce happened when Prince Charles and Camila Parker got together, and he realized that Camila was the one for him. Even after she was a princess, the paparazzi was constantly taking pictures of her doing simple stuff like getting into her car.

Even though she wasn't always a princess, Princess Diana still changed the world and everybody in it. She spent a lot of time at hospitals visiting patients. She once said, "AIDS deserves to be treated with kindness and compassion."- ( She did many charity works for underprivileged, drug abused, and poor health children. She tried and almost succeeded to ban landmines. One thing she did succeed in was making the world a better place.

Princess Diana as a young child ( (Diana Francis))
Princess Diana as a young child ( (Diana Francis))

Princess Diana had many types of bravery. She had heroic bravery- She never stopped believing in what was right. She tried to ban landmines till the day she died. She had quiet bravery- Her actions were not harmful. Visiting patients in hospitals, making them believe they'll make it, that isn't harming anybody. Finally, there is personal bravery- She chased her dreams. Princess Diana tried so hard, and almost accomplished what people back then would have said might be impossible. She never stopped believing.

Princess Diana was a hero to many people because she inspires people to do more than just sit down and do nothing. On the weekends, instead of watching T.V all day, maybe someone could teach a kid how to believe. Now some people might say, "Believe in what?" Believe in this. Hope, joy, love, kindness, compassion, spirit. An endless amount of positive things. And you know who's going to make you believe? Friends, family, and most importantly, Princess Diana. But she made more than just the people of Wales believe, she made the whole world believe. Alive or not, we will always remember Princess Diana.

Page created on 1/5/2017 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 7/10/2020 5:05:09 AM

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