
Paul Keating

by Meg from Brookline

Paul Keating ( ())
Paul Keating ( ())

On September 11, 2001, a tragedy struck the United States that changed many peoples lives forever. Two planes were driven into the World Trade Centers. Roughly 3,000 people died, including firefighters, workers, and pedestrians. These people were all innocent victims; mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, grandmothers and grandfathers. This misfortune happened almost 15 years ago, yet it still impacts the lives of people every single day. The World Trade Centers, which had stood proudly and majestically since the 1970's, was destroyed that day by two different planes. The terrorists were suicide bombers who drove the planes into the buildings simply because they hated America and our freedom. Paul Keating was the best friend of my uncle and my uncle in-law. He was a firefighter who lost his life in this catastrophe.

Paul Keating was the youngest of 6 children, and a firefighter who was born in Staten Island, NY. In 1978, he and his family moved to Spring Lake, New Jersey, where he attended and graduated Manasquan High School. In the early 1990's, he moved back to Staten Island, and shortly after he moved to Manhattan. He became a firefighter in 1995, after bouncing around from different types of work. "He was totally in love with the job" His father recalls, stating that "his conversation was all about it". His close friends describe him as a fun loving, comical and upbeat person who was loved by all.

On September 11, Paul's day off from work, he woke up when the first plane crashed into the World Trade Centers. The first thing he did was call his sister to tell her that he was ok. He then said he was going to help his brothers, who were his fellow firefighters. That was the last anyone had heard from him. He ran to his firehouse, which was near the World Trade Centers, but was unable to find his jacket and boots that he always wore during emergencies, so instead he grabbed a random jacket and boots and ran to the World Trade Centers. He then called his sister again to let her know that he was going into the burning buildings. That was the last anyone had ever heard from him. Almost two years later, during the excavation of the World Trade Centers, a construction worker found his wallet amidst the rubble. His family was then contacted and given his wallet. Finally, they were able to have closure on Paul's death.

This is not the only act of bravery that Keating has done for others. Soon after graduating from the Fire Academy in 1995, he saved a drowning man from the ocean and administered CPR in Spring Lake, NJ. Paul Keating could be described as a hero because of his bravery and selflessness. Not many other people would be willing to run into burning buildings to save others, especially on their day off from work. Irish people aren't called the Fighting Irish for nothing. Because of Paul's courage and fearlessness, he will be remembered as an icon through the ages.

Page created on 5/17/2016 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 5/17/2016 12:00:00 AM

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