My father is Dr. Priatna Sasmita, he was born in Sumedang. My father is a researcher, with the latest educational PHD. My father received a bachelor's degree majoring in Agricultural Cultivation (Agronomy) in 1989 from University of Padjadjaran, Bandung.
Research of S1 thesis entitled "Effect of Triacontanol Plant Regulators on Growth of Sugarcane" under the guidance of Ir. Kustiwi Ridwan, Ir. Fatimah Rustama, MS and Dra. Wieny H.R. Marma Jaya, MS. Education S2 and S3 agronomic disciplines pursued at the Institute Pertanian Bogor, each completed in 2001 and 2006. S2 Research thesis entitled " Anther Culture of F1 upland rice (resulted from crosses among cultivars with accession tolerant to shade) under the guidance of Prof.Dr. Bambang S. Purwoko, MSc and Dr. Sriani Sujiprihati, MS.
S3 research thesis entitled "Characterization and Evaluation of double haploid upland rice tolerance resulted from Anther Culture to shade, under the guidance of Prof.. Dr. Bambang S. Purwoko, MSc, Dr. Sriani Sujiprihati, MS, Dr. Hanarida Ida S, MS, and Prof.Dr.Ir. Chozin MA, M.Agr. Trainings have been followed, among others, "Rice Research Technique" at the Tsukuba International Center, Japan in 1997, "Rice Breeding Course at IRRI Los Banos Philippines in 2007, and 'Training Workshop on Rice Technology Transfer Systems in Asia at ITCC-RDA, Suwon, Korea in 2009.
He works as researcher at Indonesian Center for Rice Research in Sukamandi, West Java. He is a rice breeder.
I am proud of my father for his hard work to complete his education with government scholarship. For his success has become a motivation for me to study harder so that I could be like my father. And I also gained pride that my father always gave the motivation for me, for always concerned with education, because according to my father if I fail in education I will fail as well for my future.
Page created on 2/10/2011 12:00:00 AM
Last edited 2/10/2011 12:00:00 AM