
Patrick Seaman

by Zach from Pickerington

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." Christopher Reeve
Him with translator
Him with translator

     I think it is important to have a hero because if you don't what do you have to shoot for? If you have a hero it would make sense that you want to be like them. But just because you want to be like them doesn't mean you want to do the same things they do. It's a person to look up to. My personal hero is my dad Patrick Seaman because he puts his life on the line every day by going to protect people that he doesn't even know. He is brave for doing what he does. He has been deployed for almost half of my life (adding every deployment together.) He missed my brother's whole senior year.

      My hero is a hero because he puts his life on the line all the time. He does it to protect people he doesn't even know. He doesn't do it to get thank yous from people. He takes time away from his family all the time to keep other people safe. Most people aren't emotionally stable enough to do his job. Anybody can open a rec-center for kids or recycle a bottle. But there really isn't any sacrificing to their personal lives.

     I found a hero in my Dad, Patrick Seaman. He is a Company Commander in the U.S. Army. I asked him some questions and these were his answers.

Who is your personal hero and why?

King Leonidas. Because he was willing to give everything for what he believed in and people's freedom.

Why do you do what you do?

The Russian "ALPHA" team (their version of DELTA Force) have a motto: "If not me, who?"

Did you always want to be in the army/police department?

Army, yes; police not until I was in my 20's.

Do you like what you do?

Yes, I feel like a big kid sometimes, even though it is as serious a job can be.

Is it high stress?

Yes, sometimes.

Do you feel like a hero?


Could just anybody do your job(s)?

No, either physically or emotionally.

Does your family handle your job well?

Yes, considering the hours and time away.

Are you proud that you chose to do it?


What inspired you to go into the police department/army?

I wanted to do the stuff i saw on TV and in movies and I got to.

     I respect him first because he is my dad and second because of what he has done for our family and this country. He doesn't feel like he should get a thanks or anything special. That is why he is my hero.



Page created on 6/18/2012 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 4/19/2024 5:14:58 PM

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The word hero means a lot of different things to different people. But it's something different to be a real hero such as bravery, selflessness, and the ability to do whatever is needed when it's needed. That is how I define the word hero. People say people are heroes because they help kids or do a lot of charity work. But I don't think a lot of those so called "heroes" are willing to put their lives on the line, they just do it because it is the right thing to do not because they are heroes.