
Papa Benedicto XVI

by Diana from Mexico

I want to tell you of my hero. My hero is Pope Benedicto XVI. He was born on April 16 1927 in Bavaria Germany. He is my hero because i know that he will do good things for people and will help poor people.

I think he will be a good pope because if they choose him to be pope it means that he is good in all the things he does. He is very attentive in all he does. I want that he comes to Mexico to what he promised us that he would do to be better in this world.

I have faith in him, he is always thinking about us and I know he would do new things and help the world, so we don´t have more wars and be in peace such as did Pope JUAN PABLO II. I believe in him so much!!!

Page created on 2/9/2007 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 4/18/2024 6:08:31 AM

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