
Paul Rusesabagina

by Patrick from Pretoria

Image:Rusesabagina, Paul (Whitehouse).jpg (
Image:Rusesabagina, Paul (Whitehouse).jpg (

My hero is Paul Rusesabagina who saved the lives of 1268 people during the Rwanda Genocide. This took place in Rwanda in 1994 whereby almost nearly one million people were by the Interahamwe militia, who were slaughtering the Hutus and Tutsis.

He sheltered 1268 people in Mille Collines hotel which he was managing as the general manager. When the violence broke out, Rusesabagina brought his family to the Hôtel des Mille Collines for safety.

Paul,Tatian and their children (
Paul,Tatian and their children (

Rusesabagina was a half caste, his father was Hutu and his mother Tutsi. "He was relatively safe from the Interahamwe due to his position and business connections with important Hutu military leaders. Rusesabagina's wife Tatiana was a Tutsi, and their children were considered mixed, this could not help him to escape the war zone with his family without outside help."

Don Cheadle, Sophie Okonedo  in the movie (
Don Cheadle, Sophie Okonedo in the movie (

He is a hero because of his determination and surrendering his life to save other people. He has been internationally rewarded for his work he did during 1994 genocide.See here.

This is terrible story which people will never forget about. To me it looks like not real. I do believe what you see in the movie of Hotel Rwanda that is true because by the time the genocide came on its climax, I was in Uganda. We used to see bodies of dead mutilated people floating on Lake Victoria. They dropped the dead bodies into River Kagera which flows from Rwanda to Uganda. The river connects to the biggest lake in Uganda which is Victoria.

Paul & refugees at Hotel Rwanda movie (
Paul & refugees at Hotel Rwanda movie (

Ugandan officials what they did during that time they contributed a lot. Every day they were burying the dead bodies which were coming to Uganda. In that way we should also appreciate the government and most especially the ministry of health and the environment who were responsible for burying the dead bodies from Rwanda.

Page created on 11/28/2008 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 11/28/2008 12:00:00 AM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Related Links

hotel Rwanda 2004 - the real story of what happened in Rwanda Genocide
google images - Paul Rusesabagina and US president Mr.Bush
Npr - Paul Rusesabagina, No 'Ordinary Man'

Extra Info

This story is based on the movie Hotel Rwanda which i watched. During in 1994 in Rwanda there was genocide in Rwanda whereby almost more than one million people were killed.

Author Info

This story based on the movie which shows an ordinary person, Paul Rusesabagina, who put in all his effort to save 1268 which he sheltered in the hotel he was managing.
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