

by Calvin from Arcadia

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Did you know that animals can be heroes? My hero is Pax. Pax is a dog that is very smart. He is a prison guard dog in Maine. He helps disable people when he is not doing anything. Pax always does something he never watches T.V or anything. He helps disable people go into shops, open doors, and he can grab things. Pax loves most things. He even loves cats. He likes everything because he is a peacemaker. He has no enemy. Pax has a mom and a dad and two brothers. Pax helps polices officer with their work like opening lights.

Do you know that Pax goes to school to visits kids? Pax is a hero because he goes to schools, and visits kids that are not happy. When he visits kids he plays with them. Then the kids play with him. When Pax plays with the kids he makes them happy. He makes them happy because he lets them chase him. Usually regular dogs just sleep next by the fire, but Pax gets up to play. Pax sometimes sleeps because he is tired but he usually gets up and helps people.

Another reason that Pax is heroic is because he helps people take care of their dogs. He teaches people how to take care of dogs by showing them how to train a dog. Pax’s owner shows how to take care of dogs by training Pax. The owner doesn’t really train Pax, Pax is already trained. The owner just shows how to do it with Pax. Pax is like a model to show the owners in training. Pax would never move because he is very well trained, and he knows that he is not supposed to move. These are the reasons that I think that Pax is a hero.

Page created on 6/19/2005 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 6/19/2005 12:00:00 AM

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