

by Dayam from Miami

Pele bicycle Kick (Google)
Pele bicycle Kick (Google)

Is it possible to score 1,000 goals in a professional soccer career? Well, my hero did; the greatest soccer player in the world. That man is Pele.

Pele was the most talented player in the world of soccer. He lead his team to winning three World Cups. He has been the only soccer player in history to achieve that. During the 1958 World Cup, Pele was the youngest player ever to participate in the event. At the age of 17, he scored his first goal and lead Brazil to the semi-finals. He also was the youngest player to complete a hat-trick (score three goals) in a game versus France. He became the youngest to go to World Cup finals. He again won in 1962. His last World Cup victory in 1970 was one of his best World Cup performances. With Pele on the field, the Brazilian team's record was 67 wins, 14 draws, and 11 losses. Brazil never lost a match while fielding both Pele and Garrincha. He was also a great player for the team Santos, which he began to play for at the age of 15. Pele led the Santos team to multiple championships. After having played for 18 years, Pele accumulated a total of 1,000 goals.

Aside from being a good soccer player, Pele was a leader off the field. He became the United Nations ambassador for ecology and the environment. Then in 1995 he was awarded Brazil's gold medal for outstanding services in sports. Later, he was appointed to the position of "Extraordinary Minister of The Sport". His final position was the UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador. During this time he proposed legislation to reduce corruption in Brazilian football, which became known as the Pele law.

The best part about this man is the respect he is given. From the President of Brazil, to all soccer players in the world, people everywhere shower Pele with respect. The FIFA Confederation especially gives him immense amount of respect because of his accomplishments on and off the field. He also gets so much respect because of how humble he is in what he does.

Overall, Pele is a great man and my hero.

Page created on 5/12/2010 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 5/12/2010 12:00:00 AM

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