
Pope John Paul II

by Chris from Romeoville

An excuse is worse and more terrible than a lie, for an excuse is a lie guarded.
He blesses the cross. (google images)
He blesses the cross. (google images)

My hero pope John Paul 2nd is my hero by “willing to sacrifice, stands up to others, being helpful, being generous, and being mentally strong.

Pope John Paul is my hero by “willing to sacrifice”. He could have sacrificed his life by performing reconciliation to the man that shot him. His childhood wasn’t like what we have today. It was very hard-working just to survive.

He is finished giving a speech. (google images)
He is finished giving a speech. (google images)

Pope John Paul 2nd is my hero because he stands up for others. An example of John standing up for others is by how he told the people not to put the man that shot him to jail. He wanted to perform reconciliation-(which is when you tell the priest your sins and he and god forgive him). He stands up to others that don’t believe in god, to believe in god so they won’t follow the ways of the devil. John also stands up for others in crowds and in speeches that he makes. He also inspires people when he talks to people about god.

Pope John Paul is helpful by many reasons. One example is that he has helped over millions of people in different countries. (He has visited over 100 countries!). He helps people by teaching them and brings Jesus and god into their lives. He has helped other people and families in countries he has or that he didn’t visit. Those are some examples of how Pope John Paul 2nd is helpful to others.

Pope John Paul is generous. One example is that he gave up much time in Rome, Italy, to teach people about god and to give masses and some speeches.

Pope John Paul is mentally strong by many reasons. One reason is that how he speaks to people and that's how his speeches persuade people. Another example is that how many people listen to him. Before he was pope people wouldn’t listen to him that much, but when he became pope people were listening. Also he has learned over 8 languages! Those are some examples of how Pope John Paul 2nd is mentally strong.

My hero is my hero for many reasons. My hero is Pope John Paul 2nd. He is my hero for “willing to sacrifice, stands up for others, being helpful, being generous, and being mentally strong”. Those are just some examples of how he’s my hero. Those are my reasons for why he is my hero.

Pope John Paul 2nd


He is Determined,
Pope John is Loyal to God,
He’s responsible.

Page created on 5/27/2008 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 5/27/2008 12:00:00 AM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Extra Info

The hero that I am writing about is Pope John Paul 2nd. He was born in the polish town of Wadowice, a small city 50 kilometers away from Krakow on May 18, 1920. His mother died in 1929, when he was only 9 years old. He lost his brother in 1932, who was a doctor and his father who was an army officer in 1941.

He received First Holy Communion at age 9. He received confirmation at age 18. He went to a high school in Wadowice. Then he enrolled to a university 2 years later. Then the Nazis invaded Poland. So John was helping the Jews by hiding wanted men and targeted people from the Nazis.

He became a priest in 1957- age 37. He likes to travel to other countries all over the world. He had visited over 100 countries! He became pope at age 58. Then while he was giving a speech, Pope John was shot. John didn’t die by the shot because it has missed all of his vital organs. He also says that god was watching over him. Then he performed reconciliation to punishing the man that shot him. Then in 2005, John has died at age 85. That’s why Pope John Paul 2nd is my hero.