
Rebecca Lee Crumpler

by Carla from Roxboro

".... receiving children in the house for treament; regardless in measure, of remuneration."

What a wonderful moment when Rebecca Davis Lee Crumpler walked across the stage to accept her degree. Why was Rebecca's walking across the stage so glorious? Her graduation was significant because she was the first female African American to earn a Doctoral in the United States. She is also important because she is my hero. Rebecca Crumpler was born in Delaware February 8, 1831 to Absolum Davis and Matilda Webber.

My hero was the only African American woman to graduate from the New England Female Medical College. This school closed in 1873. One of her accomplishments was when she wrote the book "Book of Medical Discourses." This book was one of the first publications by an African American about medicine. This book contained advice for women and children. It was published in 1883.

Rebecca Crumpler coin (Google Images)
Possible image of Rebecca Crumpler

Rebecca is important in my life because she has inspired me to strive to become a pediatric doctor. Before returning to Boston she married Dr. Arthur Crumpler. " I returned to my former, Boston, where I entered into the work with a renewed vigor, practicing outside, and receiving children in the house for treatment; regardless in measure, of remuneration," said Rebecca. This is another reason why Rebecca Crumpler was so influencing to me. She took in children and cared for them. Also, she did not care how much money they had to offer for her services. This was very generous of her. Her passion to help others in need started while she was young. When she was little she used to watch her aunt care for those who were suffering in her neighborhood and she wanted to do the same. I also want to help others by showing proper hygiene, just like Rebecca wanted to.

Throughout Rebecca's life she had to go through a lot to get where she was. She had to face 'sexism from males’. Also, she had to face racism since she was an African American. It took a lot of courage and self-confidence to go through the threats and name calling. She ignored the name calling and did not let anyone hold her back. I also want to have that courage to face people who are trying to hold me back.

Rebecca died September 9, 1895. She was a strong, intelligent, and self-confident woman. She wanted to help those who could not pay to get medical help. She worked many years to help to improve the healthcare of many people. Rebecca was important to many people. One of the people she is important to be me because she is my hero.

Page created on 5/21/2009 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 1/6/2019 12:17:39 AM

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Related Links

Rebecca Lee Crumpler - No photos or other images survive of Dr. Crumpler. The little we know about her comes from the introduction to her book, a remarkable mark of her achievements as a physician and medical writer in a time when very few African Americans were able to gain admittance to medical college, let alone publish. Her book is one of the very first medical publications by an African American.
Rebecca Lee Crumpler - The Black Past