
Roald Dahl

by Caitlin from Cochrane

Roald Dahl (drawing by Caitlyn)
Roald Dahl (drawing by Caitlyn)

My hero is Roald Dahl. I chose him because he has wrote many funny books and one of my favorite book by him is the gremlins which was turned into a movie, he has written all my favorite books were by him that's why i chose him. The book on him is an biography, The book is 165 pages long. The span of time is all of his life. This book was written in may 2013, three facts about the author are one he is Roald Dahl's biggest fan,his name is Michael Rosen and the last thing is that he originally tried to study medicine.

Roald Dahl grew up in villa marie fairwater road in England on the 13 of september 1916. Roald Dahl grew up in villa marie same place he was born. Roald Dahl's father Harald Dahl was a shipbroker unfortunately Harald died and Roald was only three years old and in today's money left about 5 million. Roalds mother Sofie Dahl never had to worry about clothes for any of the 6 children and was a stay at home mother. He only had 6 sisters and no brothers so he was the only boy in the household. Roald Dahl first went to school at a place called Elmtree house where he went for kindergarten he was 6 years old when he went there in 1922 for 1 year then went to Llandaff he went there for 2 years then there was the boarding school st. peters he was there till 1929 when he was thirteen and soon after that he went to Repton he left there when he was 18, in 1934. The hardest school for Roald Dahl was the boarding school st. peters where the first week he was homesick and the teachers there loved to hit the boys once a teacher hit 80 boys in a day. Roald dahl loved reading and writing the best. Roald Dahl grew to hate being smacked and he lived in fear of the cane.Roald Dahl's things to do was collect any kind of stamp and if he got 2 of a stamp he would trade it for a different one, another one he really enjoyed was reading and that was probably why he turned into a writer. An interesting story is the first week of st. peter's boarding school Roald Dahl was so homesick that he actually pretended he had appendicitis a really bad illness. Lots of people influenced Roald Dahl but the top 6 are: Charles Dickens, Rudyard Kipling, c.s Forester, William Makepeace Thackeray, Jonas Lie and Frederick Marryat. Those were the people who influenced Roald Dahl. Roald Dahl's big dream was to be a RAF pilot that dream came true a few years later. Roald Dahl knew that he wanted to to be a RAF pilot when he was older and never knew he would be a writer. If Roald Dahl never went to st. peters he would probably never have wrote in all his books about mean teachers who hit kids in his books.

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One of the big challenges Roald Dahl faced was the loss of his sister and father. Another big one he faced was his very near death by plane crash and the loss of his daughter aged 7. Those were the really big challenges he faced. He overcame his plane crash by starting to write and there a writer was he overcame the loss of his daughter was through family support. A huge event that was part of Roald Dahl's life was when he was whipped and beaten by older kids that encouraged him to write stories telling other kids what it was like in the past. People who helped with his success was his teachers at st. peter's boarding school because it encouraged him to write charlie and the chocolate factory. The influence st. peter's had on him is because it was so horrible Roald Dahl was encouraged to write charlie and the chocolate factory. Three qualities Roald Dahl has shown in his life are: creative because he has written very creative stories and some of them have been turned into movies, another one is mischievous because he played lots of mean tricks on fellow classmates and teachers, and the final one is he had a very good imagination because again of all the stories he wrote because he makes you feel what the character is feeling. Roald Dahl's weakness is the violent world he believes in peace it was hard for him because all around him was violence this proved hard for him. A sad story for roald dahl was when he lost both his father and sister at the age of three. A funny story is at school he played a joke on the candy store lady he put a dead rat in a candy jar so when she put her hand in she grabbed the rat! Roald dahl one a lot of awards such as the world fantasy award-life achievement (1983), edgar award for best short story (1960) and (1954) , edgar award for best tv episode (1980) and cable ACE award for international children's programming special or series ( 1993).

Something that surprised me is that he wrote the BFG and had a horrible history. Something that pleased me is that he has written my favorite books. I was disappointed when i learned he is dead he died in november the 23 1990. If i could meet Roald Dahl the top 3 questions i would ask him are 1 how did he come up with all these great ideas for his stories, 2 how it felt when his books were published and the last question is what it was like when they were turned into movies. I would love love love to be Roald Dahl's kid because i love to read and he could let me read the book he is working on. I liked the book about Roald Dahl because it gave good information but could not answer most of my questions but i liked the book. I learned from the book that Roald Dahl was in the air force and lost members of his family. A lesson that could help in my life is to never put a rat in a candy jar! Other people would like to read this book because it shows what it was like in school way back and it is very historical and it occasionally has a few jokes. I am very happy i chose to do Roald Dahl because he is the best author ever and was in the air force. I find that Roald Dahl is a really good person to look up to as a role model because if you want to be a writer you should then look up Roald Dahl's life as a writer and you will find out what the tricks are to writing,that's why I find him a great role model

Page created on 2/16/2017 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 2/16/2017 12:00:00 AM

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