
Robert Frost

by Dalton from San Diego

Robert Frost ( (Robert frost))
Robert Frost ( (Robert frost))
The American Poet
"The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep" (Frost). Robert Frost was a genius in many ways. His poems were smooth to the tongue but hard to understand. He wrote about his life and his family and the world. "Frost was widely regarded as the greatest living American Poet" (Judith). Robert Frost wrote over 180 poems and was a huge inspiration to Americans everywhere. Frost did everything, from writing highly successful stories to going above and beyond to help his family. Frost inherited a farm from his grandfather where he raised his family, although he also lived in England for the last few years of his life. He was born on March 26th, 1874, and died on January 29th, 1963. He lived through the Great Depression and the great World Wars. A hero must possess the characteristics of being smart and hard-working because you won't be able to achieve anything if you don't work hard. A genius, Frost was, and it allowed him to see the good in hard situations and write legendary poems. Robert Frost is a hero because he posses the ability to work hard, he is super smart, and can see past the horrors in life that haunt us all.
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Frost was amazing, but his life wasn't a breeze, and if it wasn't for his hard work and dedication to poetry, he would not have made all the amazing poems we love today. Frost had a hard life, he had to afford for his family after leaving school, he had to go above and beyond and work his tail off to do so. "Frost drifted through a string of occupations after leaving school, working as a teacher, cobbler, and editor of the Lawrence Sentinel." (Poetry Foundation). Frost had to care for his family and try new things things that he didn't know how to do and he couldn't mess up and get fired in these jobs because his family relied on him and he would do anything to make them happy he afforded for his family by juggling multiple jobs and it was very hard and it took a lot of pain along with agony if it wasn't for his job as an editor for a newspaper he may have never found his love in literature. Frost also worked very hard to have his poetry noticed and won many awards." He is the only writer to have won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry four times" (Walter). Frost is the only poet to receive this award 4 times which is a huge honor! Frost later won even more rewards for his poetry which he worked so hard to achieve. Frost's hard work is the reason why we have his poetry and books and stories, he sets a great example for others by showing them the outcomes of working very hard and how it pays off.

Robert Frost was a natural genius and a smooth poet, but his poetry isn't the only thing that is a big deal because he is so smart . Robert worked very hard in high school to show us all that we all have the potential to show how smart we can be. "He also became a serious student and graduated from Lawrence High School as valedictorian and class poet in 1892."(Encyclopedia of World Biography). Frost was very smart and even won a valedictorian award for it which is a huge achievement. Frost had straight A's in high school and this is extremely incredible. Frost after graduating went to Harvard University, one of the hardest schools to get into. "A native of New Hampshire and a graduate of Harvard University" (Walter). Harvard University is one of the hardest schools to get into, and only accepts the elite. You have to be very smart to get into this school. After graduating from Harvard University he went on to do great and wonderful things with his skills. Robert Frost, was an American Poet who is known as one of the greatest and smartest.

Robert Frost is a hard worker and smart, but he had a special characteristic that most people don't possess and that's what makes him my hero, he has the ability to see over the bad things in the world and see the good in people. Frost had a hard time supporting his family and even had early family deaths but he never complained. "The Frosts' early married years were difficult ones. Their first son died in 1900, but four other children were born between 1899 and 1905. While continuing to write poetry, Frost supported his family by farming in West Derry, New Hampshire, teaching."(Authors and Artists for Young Adults). Frost lost his first son and had to farm to support his family, farming was hard but this is where he started to take poetry seriously and saw the great in the earth and livestock. Frost also was a teacher to make some extra money, although teaching didn't pay well, he still used all the money he could get, and he actually loved teaching he says, Frost loved seeing happy loving faces every morning. Frost's final years of his life was very sad and terrible but he came to oversee them. "His family life was tragic because premature death beset many of its members. His father died of tuberculosis, his mother of cancer. He lost his sister; two of his children died in infancy; his married daughter died in childbirth; and his son committed suicide. While being operated on for cancer, his wife died of a heart attack. In spite of his long wait for recognition and the private disasters which befell him, however, Frost's poetry is free from bitterness and from any direct personal references." (Walt). His poetry was everything but bitter and hate and that's incredible, to me because it would be almost impossible to oversee all the bad that happens around yet still share with the world happy thoughts. He had terrible moments in his life, but he still wrote great poetry and showed that just a little light of what seemed good to him in his poetry. Robert Frost was a hero for his example to see past the wickedness in the world and show others the great things that still exist.

Robert Frost is a hero because he possesses the ability to work hard, he is super smart, and can see past the horrors in life that haunt us all. Frost is a pure genius and hard worker, he sets an example to us to show how we can oversee the sorrow in the world. Frost is an amazing example, he is brilliant and hard working. Robert's hard work is the reason why he graduated college and achieved a valedictorian award and wrote so many great and wonderful poems. Frost's skill to see the good in life is also a huge thing to follow after, looking pasts the bad in life and finding the goods is something that everyone could really use. Robert Frost is an inspiration to me and others because he shows a powerful example to follow after and seen as a role model, because no matter how hard our lives may seem someone has always had it worse and Robert Frost was a great example of this. "Robert Frost is considered one of the foremost American poets of the twentieth century. Through his imagery of nature and life in rural New England, Frost explored fundamental questions about man's existence" (Authors and Artists for Young Adults.). Frost is one of the most famous poets of all time and a real unsung hero. His ability to see the good in every one is such an amazing characteristic that everyone needs in their life and Robert Frost shows us that we can. Robert Frost may no longer be with us any more, but his poetry and legacy as the best American poet still live on.

Work Consulted

"Frost, Robert 1874-1963." American Decades. Ed. Judith S. Baughman, et al. Vol. 2: 1910-1919.

Detroit: Gale, 2001. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 30 Jan. 2015.

"Frost, Robert." UXL Encyclopedia of World Biography. Ed. Laura B. Tyle. Vol. 4. Detroit: UXL,

2003. 741-744. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 3 Feb. 2015.

"Robert Lee Frost." Encyclopedia of World Biography. 2nd ed. Vol. 6. Detroit: Gale, 2004.

130-133. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 3 Feb. 2015.

"Robert Frost." Authors and Artists for Young Adults. Vol. 21. Detroit: Gale, 1997. Biography in

Context. Web. 4 Feb. 2015.

Peck, Richard M. "Robert Frost." Poetry Foundation. Poetry Foundation, 10 Aug. 2013. Web. 03

Feb. 2015.

Beckham, Walter. Critical Survey of Poetry, Second Revised Edition;. Ipswich: Salem, 2002.

EBSCO.Web. 4 Feb. 2015.

Frost, Robert Lee. "Robert Frost Quotes." BrainyQuote. Xplore, Feb.-Mar. 2011. Web. 06

Feb. 2015.

Page created on 2/16/2015 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 6/15/2022 4:16:52 PM

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