
Rosa Lopez

by Rosa from Hawthorne

This is my mom (I got this picture from my computer  (My dad took this picture))
This is my mom (I got this picture from my computer (My dad took this picture))

Most people don't really go deep into knowing things about their parents like their life as a child and go deep into details of anything at all. My hero is my mom, Rosa Lopez. My mom is really hard working, knowing she can't be perfect, she tries her best and much more. Her childhood is not something that she can say that was the best childhood. When my mom was little, my grandma raised her along with 4 other kids and this was without my grandfather in the picture. She was moved from place to place with different family members just to be under a stable home. Now I asked my mom, why she supposed I picked as my hero and she said, "I'm not a hero. Why should I be your hero if I have not accomplished anything in life?" She broke down in tears and I said to her, "Mom look around and see the things you've given us."

This is my mom,dad and myself (My parents bought this picture a long time ago (Photographers))
This is my mom,dad and myself (My parents bought this picture a long time ago (Photographers))

My mom may not have the highest paying job nor does she give us everything that my siblings and I ask for, but when she is able to, she will get what we want. My grandma always told her that she did not want her to end up like her, pregnant at a young age and having to deal with the baby. And as for my mom, that's exactly what happened to her on her senior year. She was not able to graduate from high school and had to move in with my dad because she did not want to deal with the disappointment that my grandma was going to give her after so many times that she told her she did not want that to happen. Now my mother has four kids, including myself, not the best job in the whole world but yet she is able to support my family and she has tried to raise us to be the best that she possibly is capable of and tries when she is able to, to give us what she never had when she was a child.

My brothers, sister and myself (i got this picture off of my computer (We took this picture at Castle Park))
My brothers, sister and myself (i got this picture off of my computer (We took this picture at Castle Park))

My mom always tells me to do well in school, not to give up, hope for the best, and keep trying because I want you to have a better life than I had. Every time that she tells me this, not only my mom but also my dad, I always want to give everything my best because I want her to know that she is not a failure and never will be as a mother. I want her to know that she has accomplished something in life, and that is to raise kids that want to look forward to something in life and prove to them that they raised children that were able to make her proud

To me, my mom is the strongest woman that I have ever met. She has one person that had changed her life forever. Imagine having to deal with for the rest of your life knowing that someone that you thought that was so close to you could do something so wrong to you and in a way that affected your whole life and your prospect toward that specific person. With my mom having to deal with that and being able to go on with her day as if it never happened and is still able to have a smile on her face and that makes her a very strong woman.

This is my mom and dad (i got this picture from my dads phone (I took this picture with my dads phone))
This is my mom and dad (i got this picture from my dads phone (I took this picture with my dads phone))

In this, my mom should know that she is my hero because she is a hard working, capable of many things, not a failure and the strongest woman in my view point. She gives everything her best and I will always be proud and believe in my mom no matter what happens.

Page created on 2/26/2013 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 2/26/2013 12:00:00 AM

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