
Rachel Torres

by Ashley from Santa Maria

Everyone has a hero in life. A hero is a person that motivates you and guides you thru life when you are passing thru hard times. Your hero inspires you to do things that will help you in the future to do better. A hero is a role model for other people to look up to for all the good things they have done in their life. It shows other people courage and braveness in life to pursue whatever they what in life. A hero shows their footsteps for other people to follow them and make them better.

My hero in life is my mother Rachel Torres. She is my hero because she has been there when I needed her the most. She has shown me the way to life in a good way. I am so proud of her for being a great example for me. When I grow up I want to be a hero for my kids just like her. She has guided me to where I am now.

She is my role model in life and she will always be. She tells me to stay in school, so when I grow up I could be someone in life. She tells me and inspires me to do good in life and with it. She tells me to be responsible and caring for other people in life. She also tells me to help other people when they need it because if one day I need help I would want the same thing from the other people.

My mom is like my best friend because I can tell her things and she helps me out. She helps me in any aspect in life. She guides me into a great life. She has gone thru a hard life in Mexico and that's why she wants me to have an easier life and go to school. She wants me to have a career and be a professional. She wants me to inspire other people to do well in their life, so they wouldn’t suffer as much.

All these characteristics that my mom shares with me make her a great hero. She gives and shows the steps into a great life. She has done many things for me that I love her so much and that is why she is my hero in life and she will always be.

Page created on 12/17/2008 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 12/17/2008 12:00:00 AM

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