
Ricky James

by Kenney from Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada

The Best Wheelchair Athelete Not in a Wheelchair

He has ridden in a 4 wheeler race and finished 9th and ridden with legends, all within 8 months of being paralyzed. This is truly a feat that could only be accomplished by a hero named Ricky James. James is an innovator in making more things possible for people who are paralyzed. All motocrossers are brave but he had to fight a huge fear that some people would never want to face. Ricky’s picture should be beside the definition of determination. Here are the facts that prove he is a hero.

Ricky James is an innovator in making more things possible for people who are paralyzed. He has tested everything from Velcro straps, saddle seats, even the handy man's secret weapon, duck tape, to try and gain balance on the seat. He’s tested metal bars to protect his legs. He has tested special bike parts like hand brakes and automatic transmissions. Ricky James is one of the most unknown innovators in the world but has done a lot in making more things possible for people who are paralyzed.

All motocrossers are brave but Ricky James is the bravest. Everyone knows it's hard coming back after an injury. One of the hardest things about coming back is the fear that is in the back of your mind that will allways be there and will always make you think, "what if i did the same thing again?" Especially when you run out, skate out, or in this case, ride out onto the same track you got hurt at. Ricky didn't just break an arm or a leg he broke his back completely in half after being tossed over his handle bars into a dirt wall. Eight months later he was back on his cr 250f racing with a motorcross legend at the same track with no fear, head held high, jumping tables and doubles with no fear, pushing his crf to the limit. That is why he is the bravest motorcrosser, facing that fear that most people could never face, even with full control of their legs.

Ricky James's picture should be beside the definition of determination. It takes people a year or even years to get back to somewhat normal after being paralyzed from the waist down. Ricky James, after only 5 months, was out of the hospital. "I was determined to get out of the hospital and find out how much i could still do," says James in a Trans world Motocross Magazine Interview. About 3 months after getting out of the hospital Ricky started to test and race dirt bikes and 4-wheelers. To get back to racing and riding, he has had to go through tons of hours of physiotheropy plus the hours of training to be fit to race motorcross at his level, which most people can barely do with full full function of their legs. That is why his picture should be beside the definition of determination.

Page created on 8/8/2008 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 8/8/2008 12:00:00 AM

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