
Rafael Ramirez

by Isaias from Lawndale

It is my dad's flag and god (
It is my dad's flag and god (

My hero is my dad. The reasons why my dad is my hero is because he works hard for a little money. The reason why my dad works hard is because he has to pay the rent, for food and a car and then our allowance (because my mom and dad got divorced. He also cares about my little brother and me because we are his only kids. He also gives us money so we have money when we need it.

It is a house that is getting build (
It is a house that is getting build (

The reason why my dad works hard? He’s a carpenter; he’ll build anything or fix anything for money. The problem is that he dropped out of high school so he doesn’t have a real job. He doesn’t get paid that much either, but really depends on what the job is and how long he works. Now he barely has any work so he has to move to Oakland to try to get some work. The reason why he can’t get a better job is because he can’t speak in English. (Well a little) I think the lesson my dad is trying to teach us is work hard no matter what and probably stay in school.

My dad cares about my little brother and me. He cares because we are his only kids. Even when we don’t see him as much, he still cares so he calls us at home. When we go to his house he takes us places, like parks, a cousin’s house, even to go golfing and to do lots more. He even makes breakfast for us so we won't be hungry. He buys us stuff that we want but nothing too expensive. He even tries helping us with our homework even though he doesn’t speak English. He’s really good at math because he needs math for his job. He also cares about his job because he’ll do anything for work of construction.

My dad's life is now pretty good and bad. It’s bad because he can’t find any work here so he has to move to Oakland. It’s also bad for my little brother and I, because we don’t see him anymore until the summer. At the same time it is good because he’s finding enough work. That’s good because he needs that money to move. It’s also good because he got married again. That’s why he's not worrying as much, because his new wife works too.

My dad is my hero because he never gives up on his job, no matter how long he works. He cares about his family. He cares about his job and us. He cares about us because we are his kids.

Page created on 8/20/2007 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 8/20/2007 12:00:00 AM

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