
Theodore Roosevelt

by Chris from New York

Theodore Roosevelt was a great president, because he believed that as president, he was the steward of the people, therefore he tried to represent the people of America to the best of his abilities. He also knew how to lead this country with authority, honesty, and justice. Theodore Roosevelt was born on October 27, 1858 in New York City, NY. When he was young, his parents home schooled him all the way up to college. He became the twenty-sixth President of the United States of America at the age of forty-two. He was a devoted Republican and a wonderful politician. As president, he was never afraid to use the executive power that he had to the limit. He was never afraid of anything or anyone that stood up against him.

Theodore Roosevelt did many things during his presidency that helped this country greatly. He ensured the construction of the Panama Canal, which helped the trading ships and supply ships from the Gulf of Mexico get through easily to the Pacific Ocean. Theodore Roosevelt preserved National Forests and National Parks throughout the USA during his presidency too. Theodore Roosevelt saw the office of presidency as a tool to help the people of America and the world. He did what he thought was best for this country and helped those that needed help. President Roosevelt always quoted a famous proverb which says, “Speak softly, and carry a big stick” which he did during his presidency.

Before Theodore became president, he served in the army in the Spanish-American War. He was issued command of an outfit known as the Rough Riders. Roosevelt and the rough riders fought in many battles. After Theodore’s death, he was awarded posthumously the Medal of Honor for his bravery and courage in battle.

Theodore Roosevelt never worried when he was going to die or spend too much time worrying about the future. He just enjoyed life to the fullest and never took anything in life for granted. He spent time with his family, he went on many long vacations, and he herded cattle on his ranch in North Dakota. Towards the end of his life in 1919 he once said, "No man has had a happier life than I have led; a happier life in every way." Theodore Roosevelt was not only a great man, but he was also a great president. He inspired me to stand up for what was right and to accomplish great things. That is why I consider him my favorite hero.

Page created on 5/26/2006 8:35:08 PM

Last edited 5/26/2006 8:35:08 PM

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Related Links

Theodore Roosevelt - The White House. Org
Theodore Roosevelt - Theodore Roosevelt - Biography written by Tweed Roosevelt

Extra Info

"There can be nothing in the world more beautiful than the Yosemite, the groves of giant sequoias and redwoods, the Canyon of the Colorado, the Canyon of the Yellowstone, the Three Tetons; and our people shoud see to it that they are preserved for their children and their children's children forever, with their majestic beauty all unmarred."
Teddy Roosevelt,
Outdoor Pastimes of an American Hunter 1905.