
J.K. Rowling

by Marita from La Crescenta

“I write anytime, anyplace, and in longhand.”
The wizard behind Harry Potter <br>(<br>_Harry_Potter_Rumors.htm)
The wizard behind Harry Potter

To me, a hero is a person whom you admire – for a good reason. I highly admire Joanne Kathleen Rowling for many reasons. I suppose I have a bit of an obsession for Harry Potter, and the person who thought of it. Joanne is my hero because she has always inspired me to try my best and appreciate what I’ve got. After all, she was quite poor at one time, and now she’s the second richest woman in England (next to the Queen). Instead of spending her fortune without a care, she uses it to fight for causes she believes in. She is fighting for caged children in Europe, who are abused because they have a mental disability.

Joanne has taught me to never sacrifice your imagination just because you think someone wouldn’t like it. I have also learned that you should never underestimate the power of words or a person. She also writes original stories that everybody can relate to. I can completely relate to Hermione, because sometimes I take things too seriously (according to my friends).

Joanne is always writing. I think her brain is programmed to come up with these amazing stories. Take the Harry Potter series - that idea came to her on a train ride. This has taught me to look at things in a whole new perspective. I truly think that this author is the new C.S. Lewis. With that said, there are many reasons why this wizard of an author is my hero.

Page created on 3/22/2006 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 3/22/2006 12:00:00 AM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Related Links

J.K. Rowling: Official Site - The ultimate source for the renowed author.
The Official Harry Potter Site - Visit the magical world of Harry Potter that J.K. Rowling created.

Extra Info

Write to J.K. Rowling at this address: J.K. Rowling c/o Scholastic Books 555 Broadway New York, NY 10012

Author Info

Hi! I'm Marita, welcome to my website. My hero is J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series. She has inspired me to always write for myself, not to impress anyone. I've wondered how she came up with the idea of the wizarding world, and I found out she was on a train. Joanne has taught me to always turn simple things into amazing things. I hope you like my page!