
Snow Queen

by Michail from Smorgon

I like to read books very much. One of my favourite books is the tale “Snow Queen”. The author is Hans Christian Anderson. This tale is about kindness, courage and about great strength of love to people. The main characters of this tale are Kai and Gerda. I think that Gerda is a real hero and want to tell you about it.

One day the devil decided to play a trick on people. He made a mirror, where all the good became bad and ugly. Devil decided to show to God what’s what! Higher and higher were climbing the devil’s disciples, but they did hold the mirror. It was broken to millions of small pieces. If one of such pieces hit a person in the eye or heart, he became wicked and cold.

In a small town there lived a boy called Kai and a girl called Gerda. They lived as good friends. They had a small garden. Among other plants there were two bushes of roses: white and red. The boy and girl liked to listen to tales, which their grandmother told them.

Gerda and Kai (illustration by Arthur Rackham)
Gerda and Kai (illustration by Arthur Rackham)

But one day two pieces of mirror hit into Kai’s eye. One piece hit into his heart, another stayed in the eye. And straight away the world Kai became a bad picture: all the people were ugly.

When winter came, Kai went to sledge. He saw a large beautiful sledge, which was driving on the road. Kai caught on that sledge. It was Snow Queen who was driving that sledge. She took him away into her Palace, which was in the North. Gerda waited for Kai. She waited for him very, very long. Then she decided, that Kai got into a trouble and he needed her help. And Gerda set out. On her way she met a lot of kind people, animals and birds, which helped her whole-heartedly. First she met a wise raven and his bride crow. Then she met a little girl – robber. There she learned, where Kai was! A reindeer and pigeons told Gerda about that.

The Snow Queen taking Kai (Illustration by Margaret Tarrant)
The Snow Queen taking Kai (Illustration by Margaret Tarrant)

At last she reached the Snow Queen’s Palace. And new obstacles arises on her way again. But Gerda’s ardent love thawed the ice-cold Kai’s heart, and they returned home together.

All the adversities and troubles, which Gerda met on her way, she met with fortitude and overcame them. She did all the possible and impossible to rescue her friend Kai from Snow Queen’s captivity.

This girl is example for me, how should live and be with my friends. I follow Gerda’s example.

Page created on 8/3/2013 3:30:20 PM

Last edited 1/6/2017 6:46:30 PM

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Related Links

Snow Queen - by Hans Christian Andersen