
Sean Barnes

by Turtle1

A hero to me is a person that stands up for what he/she thinks is right. He/she also is a leader to others and a good example. He/she is loving, caring, and nice. The person that I think fit s this description is my dad, Sean Barnes.

My dad works at Chevron, and he does something called Lean 6 Sigma. He is a master black belt (the kind of black belt in work, not karate). He works too much! He goes to work at 6:30 and gets home at 5:30 (it takes him 30 minutes to get there). Although he spends a lot of time at work (in my opinion), he always has time for us. This makes him a hero.

He (and us) all go to First Baptist Church Covington (we're Christians). He is a deacon, a person that helps with the offering, and he is organizing CEN (Community Evangelism Network). CEN started in 2006 as a dream of him and his church organizing times when they would focus on a neighborhood and spread the word by sharing pamphlets and asking 5 questions about their faith. If the person answered the questions with faith-based answers, he would ask, "Do you have a church home?", and if they didn't, he'd invite them to FBC (our church). Then he would proceed to the next house. He didn't put this plan into action until August 2013 in the neighborhood of Tallow Creek. Apparently God thought it wasn't time to try it yet; he needed to wait. After that, he tried again in 2015. It was a success! Later, he scheduled one Neighborhood knock a season. Right now it is successful and still has success to come. Someday, maybe I'll help him with it.

In conclusion, he is a hero I will always treasure. He is loving, caring and kind. Someday, he'll have a bigger success in CEN than he already has. His is my dad.

Page created on 6/18/2015 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 6/18/2015 12:00:00 AM

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