
Shawn Crahan

by Vicky from San Diego

Shawn Crahan in his clown mask during a Slipknot c ( ())
Shawn Crahan in his clown mask during a Slipknot c ( ())

"Who knows what true loneliness is - not the conventional word but the naked terror? To the lonely themselves it wears a mask. The most miserable outcast hugs some memory or some illusion." (Joseph Conrad). As a teen, Crahan was an outcast, he knew what it's like to be a alone in a cruel society. He is a heroic musician in the Heavy Metal world who, instead of being a bad influence, allows teens to be able to relate to and find a way to let out their anger through his music. He's the founding member and percussionist of the Heavy Metal/Shock Rock band, Slipknot.

Through his appearances, interviews, and lyrics, Crahan teaches the youth that fitting in shouldn't be the main goal in life, he shows people how to stay authentic. Even during glamorous events he still sticks to being himself. "The 44-year-old musician[Crahan] was not perturbed [anxious] by the [Grammy's]carpet's hot lights as he - along with the rest of the metal band - plays concerts in full costume."( Even though there were many critics at the Grammy's judging his every move he still walked down the red carpet with his chin and confidence up high. In an interview with, Crahan explains his views on criticism, "And I am most definitely someone who feels he has something to say...I don't care what you think I look like and I don't wanna put any emphasis on that...I've lived in my own imagination my whole life." Crahan has always depended on himself and only himself, he never cared about what other people said. Teens nowadays become depressed because they care too much about what society has to say, Crahan teaches them that being self-contained is the best medicine for depression.

Picture of Crahan from Knotfest ( ())
Picture of Crahan from Knotfest ( ())

Crahan is 45 years old and he's made so many mistakes and achieved so many accomplishments, but he doesn't look back, he keeps going forward. He's lived through the painful experiences of losing his best friend and his parents, but the thing that makes him stand out is that he survived those painful experiences. Crahan revealed to Rolling Stone "Paul [Gray] taught me so much, he's the bottom line," Crahan says. "I lost both my parents and it wasn't as hard as losing Paul because you've got your whole life with them - you know it's going to happen. With Paul being my best friend, I just didn't see it coming." Even after Paul's death, Crahan kept strong, yes he had his moments, but he stayed strong for his friends, family, and Slipknot fans, he knew that they also griefed for Paul's passing. Crahan knows he's getting older so he lives for now, "I have one commandment. Be aware of your own mortality. Because as you live and achieve, the clicker is going down". When Crahan said this, he showed me that I have to let go of all my regrets and all my worries of the past. Time is running out, living for now is the only way to slow down the clock and to really enjoy life.

Shawn Crahan showed me through his music how to become my own independent person. His music saved me, more than any religion could. I felt safe when I listened to his music, I knew I was different, and that was okay, cause so was Crahan. Crahan doesn't just help me, he helps teens all over the world. When I was depressed, I constantly found myself feeling alone and mad, but when I listened to Crahan's music, I found a way to let out my rage and sadness. I don't have to fit in with society, not anymore, I know that I can go through life only fulfilling my own needs, rather than others. Shawn Crahan is a true hero for he shows outcasted teens, like myself, to be self-contained and to be proud to be who they are.

Works Consulted

White, Chelsea. "Slipknot's Shawn Crahan Walks the Grammys Carpet in a Terrifying Mask." Mail   

Online. Associated Newspapers, 27 Jan. 2014. Web. 29 Mar. 2015. <>.


"Slipknot Quotes." Slipknot Quotes. N.p., 2000. Web. 29 Mar. 2015.


Grow, Kory. "Gray Matters: Slipknot Open Up About Their Most Devastating Record Ever." Rolling

Stone. Rolling Stone, 17 Oct. 2014. Web. 29 Mar. 2015.

#6 - SHAWN "CLOWN" CRAHAN - PERCUSSION." Slipknot Iowa. Slipknot Iowa, 2011.

Web. 29 Mar. 2015.

"Slipknot Profiles." Slipknot Profiles. N.p., 2000. Web. 29 Mar. 2015.

Page created on 4/16/2015 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 4/16/2015 12:00:00 AM

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