
Steve Jobs

by Ronalyn from Newark

Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 in Los Altos, California. He is Co-founder, Chairman, and former CEO of Apple Inc. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak high school friends and both college dropouts joined together to start Apple Computer in 1976. They are credited for inventing the first computer for home use. They made it possible for people to have a computer anywhere in their home, or on an office desk, where previously a single computer took up a whole room. There creation changed the world. However Steve Jobs didn't change what was in the products but how they looked, functioned, and what they meant.

In 1776 the Apple I was finished being created. Jobs and Wozniak had spent six months creating the prototype of the Apple I in a garage. They did not have enough money to make the 50 computers that a local store "Byte Shop" wanted to order. Each Apple I would cost $100 dollars to build and sell for $666.66. Job's keen business sense pushed him to convince a local parts supplier to give him the parts on a 30 day net credit. They completed building the computers in their garage in 10 days and delivered on their first order.

Since he created the Apple I and successfully sold this for over millions of people.He started creating many Apple products. This is how he changed the world. Every technology we have seen out there is all brilliant ideas of Steve Jobs.He invention of the internet brought us great capabilities.We can now socialize with people all around the world.We don't have to know them personally.We get to know them from the conversations that we have with them on the computer.This has great benefits.

Steve Jobs was also a part of something that changed how we thought forever. We knew after the Apple II that everyone could in fact own a computer, something that was previously unheard of and it changed everything. Jobs became famous for his designs and ideas of how things could be used. He didn't only pay attention to what was in his products but what they looked like and what they meant to his buyers. That is how he changed the world, not with what his products have in them, all of the components of his products are the same as any other out there but its quality is made out of him.

In conclusion, Steve Jobs changed the world not only with the invention of the Apple I in 1976, which was in collaboration with Steve Wozniak, but with how he thought and how he designed his products and its quality. When Jobs thought of the next big thing in technology, he thought about what he would want. He made products that make life easier, they look good and they represent an idea. Steve Jobs made a big difference from today and is a hero forever.

Page created on 10/3/2012 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 10/3/2012 12:00:00 AM

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Related Links

Apple - Steve Jobs created Apple products.
Wikipedia - Steve Jobs' Biography
The MY HERO Gallery - For the Gallery Page dedicated to Ronalyn's hero, Steve Jobs.