
Steve Jobs

by Pascal from Switzerland

Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs

The State of California is where everything started and developed. Genius Steve Jobs was born in California, 1955 by his German mother and Syrian father. After his birth, he was put to an adoption home and then adopted. As a child he was very intelligent and interested in gadgets, which led him to being the co- founder of Apple and a founding father of the Pixar animation studios and even a board member of Disney. Steve Jobs was a man who never gave up and always believed that he can achieve his dreams. He is my hero, because I believe that he invented some of the best products in the world, which are now worldwide known and leaders in mobile phone technology. Steve Jobs was very humble about money, but always supported many charities. I believe that he is a hero for these reasons.

Known quote
Known quote

Steve Jobs was a very successful inventor, who earned Billions of Dollars. He was also a very generous man, but was shy to share how much he donated to different charities. It has been said that he donated $52 Millions to AIDS charities. Steve Jobs never cared about money and took only $1 per year as a salary, his focus was to make new products to impress people and develop new technologies. When he set out to start his company he didn't aim becoming a billionaire but to make great products. One thing that proves that he didn't care about money is below quote. "Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me. Going to bed at night, saying we've done something great that's what matters to me." That's why Steve Job is my hero.

Steve when he was young
Steve when he was young

Steve Jobs was like every other kid at the time, but he had a special gift, he had the patience to learn and study. While all his friends were outside playing, he would be reading a giant gadget book with all he needed to know . He also spent a lot of free time in a neighbour's garage, who worked at Hewlett Packard a computer company (now known as HP). At the age of 12, he joined the Hewlett Packard explorer club where he saw his first computer. It impressed him so much, he knew he wanted to work with them. In high school he took his first electronics class. In college HP gave Steve an offer to work with them, for that he would have to drop from college. He never got a college degree, but that didn't stop him from making his 1st own computer at 21, together with Steve Wozniak, which was called the Apple computer! I really believe that Steve Jobs never gave up on his dreams and always believed that he can achieve them.

Next Generation
Next Generation

Steve Jobs Apple company became so successful and turned itself into a household name, because he was a great entrepreneur. One of the reasons why Apple became such a great company, Steve Jobs always tried to work with smart people. He was a risk taker and perfectionist at the same time. That's what has helped Steve to turn Apple into one of the most successful companies in advanced technologies. During Steve Jobs turn as a boss of Apple, he always made the products better, moved the company forward and could never stop improving customer satisfaction. One of Steve Jobs goals was to make the buttons look so good, people will want to lick them. Steve Jobs was really a great men, I admire him.

People might have other heroes but for me Steve Jobs is my hero for all the great things he did. He never cared about himself, he cared about other people and the world. All the money he donated to AIDS, the phones and computers that he made. ALL this made the world better and move forward. He always tried to achieve his goals and never gave up. Steve Jobs is a real hero to me and I hope all the people that are reading this also realize how great he was.

Page created on 7/20/2016 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 11/17/2018 6:19:02 PM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Bibliography "Steve Jobs childhood." [Online] Available

Haden, Jeff. "7 Inspiring Steve Jobs Quotes That Just Might Change Your Life." [Online] Available