
Sergeant Stubby

by Brian from Great Falls

Picture of Sergeant Stubby during World War One (google images ())
Picture of Sergeant Stubby during World War One (google images ())

I chose a war hero, his name is Sergeant Stubby. He was the first dog to earn the rank of a sergeant. I find Sergeant Stubby interesting because he is a war hero. Stubby is a very brave dog and has saved many soldiers' lives. When I first read about him I noticed that he was very intelligent dog. I believe he is the perfect example of a hero.

I find Sergeant Stubby interesting because he is a war hero. He is interesting because Stubby served for 18 months and participated in 17 battles during World War One. He also was the very first dog to earn the rank of a sergeant, but some say he never did because they don't have a written record of it. He is even the most decorated dog in World War One. He earned more than nine medals. When I found out about all that I thought he was very interesting.

Sergeant Stubby is the bravest dog I have ever heard of. Stubby has gone out into no man's land in the middle of gun fire to find wounded soldiers and keep them company until they were rescued. Near the end of World War One, Sergeant Stubby was injured in his chest and in his leg by a grenade. Sergeant Stubby even was brave enough to go in and free a French town from the Germans. If Stubby could do all of this he must be brave. A lot of people would not do all of that.

Stubby, on top of being brave, is a super smart dog. Stubby one time sniffed out a German spy and held him by the seat of his pants until they came and captured him. Also when he was discovered by the commanding officer he saluted him as he had been trained to in camp so the commanding officer allowed Stubby to stay on board. He had learned the smell of mustard gas (a colorless liquid whose vapor is a powerful irritant and vesicant, used in chemical weapons) and warned his troop when there was an attack. Also he could hear the whine of incoming artillery shells before humans could warn them.

I believe Sergeant Stubby is the perfect example of a hero because he is brave. He is a very smart dog. Not a lot of dogs can salute a commanding officer. He is also interesting because he is the first dog to earn the rank of a sergeant. And he is brave so he is a great hero.

Page created on 4/6/2016 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 4/6/2016 12:00:00 AM

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