Sun Yat-sen李鐵夫 [Public domain] via Wikimedia Commons
Sun Yat-sen is one of the most famous historical figures in both the People's Republic of China (China) and the Republic of China which is currently known as Taiwan. Sun Yat-sen is also referred to as the "father of China" due to his success in reforming China. Sun, an educated man, became a doctor at a young age. After converting to Christianity, Sun dropped his medical practices to start a revolution that would ultimately change China for future generations to come. In 1911, Sun and his revolution overthrew the Qing Dynasty, which was the last dynasty of China, and began a republic form of government. Sun overthrew the Qing dynasty because the dynasty chose not to adopt new ways of life but rather continue with its old and traditional ways. As founder of the republic, Sun Yat-sen was the first president of the new democracy. Sun Yat-sen was not just known for his revolution but was also known for his great determination skills, and perseverance. He has always helped others whenever he had the opportunity and focused on peoples' needs before his own. Sun's persistence, selflessness, and determination provided him the strength to accomplish his dream- creating a new and improved China.
Sun Yat-sen's selflessness is another factor that impacted his success. Sun's selflessness is reflected as he aided other nations and people when they needed support. During Sun's revolution, he helped the Filipino Resistance fight for freedom without any hesitation. Sun "helped supply weapons to the Filipino Resistance, which had fought its way free from Spanish imperialism" (Kallie Szczepanski). Although Sun was occupied with his revolution, he still helped the Philippines fight for their freedom. This shows that he was not completely devoted to his needs and he was also willing to help other nations prosper. Sun not only helped other nations but helped the people of his new country. After defeating the Qing Dynasty, Sun "spent the last few years of his life working to unify China and spread ideas for its future development" (Ed Downy). Sun's level of selflessness is shown as he worked hard trying to unify China instead of enjoying a nice retirement. Even after the success of his revolution, Sun did not just stop and enjoy his achievement; he continued helping the country he loved in any way he could. He worked trying to make China one of the best nations in the world until his death. Sun's selflessness to his new nation gave him the title as the "father of China."
With endless persistence to his revolution and country, Sun Yat-sen finally accomplished what he desired- a new China. Sun's motivation and persistence to accomplish his goal increased as he "gathered support from overseas Chinese in the U.S., Malaysian, and Singapore" (Kallie Szczepanski). Sun's gathering of support in various nations illustrates his character of persistence and his hard work to acquire the support he needs. Sun was desperate to gain support from other countries as he knew he could not change China on his own. After obtaining the support he needed in various nations, Sun instigated a second uprising on the Qing Dynasty after their first one failed: "From Japan, Sun launched a second attempted uprising against the government of Guandong. Despite the help from the organized crime triads, this October 22, 1900 Huizhou Uprising failed" (Kallie Szxzepanski). Although Sun's first uprising failed; this did not discourage Sun from fulfilling his goal. Sun later created a new uprising against the dynasty which unfortunately he did not succeed. However, despite his failures, Sun's hope never diminished. Sun's actions of persistence and his attempt to create another uprising portrays he is not a quitter nor does he surrender quite easily. Sun's persistence and dedication to his revolution ultimately paid off as he succeeded and accomplished his goal of changing China's future.
Sun Yat-sen was an educated man whose determination allowed him to achieve his goals and desires. During the Chinese Revolution, Sun Yat-sen "travelled widely in Asia, Europe, and the U.S., preaching revolt and modernity, raising funds and followers" (Yi Chu Wang). Sun was determined to win the Chinese Revolution and he was willing to do anything to accomplish his great dream. Sun raised funds and gained new followers from several nations around the world in support of this revolution. With a great amount of determination, Sun received the needed support from various nations to succeed. Prior to receiving aid from other countries, Sun attempted to start a second revolt on the Qing Dynasty: "Previously, Sun had made contact with bandits and secret societies in Guangdong. These forces began a revolt in Huizhou (present-day Huiyang in Guangdong) in October 1900. The battle, which is the second of 10 claimed by Sun between 1895 and 1911, lasted 12 days" (Yi Chu Wang)."Second of 10" conveys the amount of determination Sun had and how far he was willing to extend his effort for the revolution. Sun's contact with the bandits and secret societies show Sun was extremely determined and desperate to win. Sun's determination gave him the strength he needed to fight for his revolution. Sun's multiple attempts for his revolution to succeed represent Sun's character of strong willpower and determination. No matter how hard or impossible the success of the revolution might have been in the beginning, Sun never lost hope nor gave up on his dream.
With determination, persistence, and selflessness, Sun Yat-sen is truly the greatest hero in China's history. These characteristics guided him to create a historic revolution that overthrew the corrupted Qing Dynasty. After the revolution, Sun began a new Republic of China that lasted from 1912-1949. Sun dedicated his entire life to the great nation of China trying to improve it. Sun Yat-sen is an inspiration to the world because he shows with great determination; anything deemed impossible can be made possible with the right mind set. His selflessness is a great inspiration as his act of helping others inspired others to make a difference. Sun Yat-sen's legacy and reputation will always be remembered by both the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China as he will always be known as the "father of China."
Works Cited
"Sun Yat-sen." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 21 Mar. 2014. Web. 21 Mar. 2014.
Szczepanski, Kallie. "Sun Yat-Sen." Asian History. N.p., 2014. Web. 21 Mar. 2014.>
Twentieth Century (2008): 1.Biography Reference Center. Web. 21 Mar. 2014.
Web. 23 Mar. 2014.
Yi Chu, Wang. "Sun Yat-Sen." Britannica Biographies (2012): 1. Biography Reference Center.
Page created on 4/17/2014 12:00:00 AM
Last edited 9/19/2024 8:47:06 PM