
shawn white

by Timothy from Monroe

“To me, it’s about getting better every time and doing the best I can every run no matter where I am. The Olympics are going to be huge..."

Shaun White was born on September 3, 1986 in Carlsbad, California and he had lots of energy when he was a kid. His parents got him enrolled into snowboarding to let out some of the energy. He went to the winter Olympics for the first time in 2006 and won his fist gold medal in snowboarding.

He went to the winter Olympics in Vancouver of 2010 and he was the last person to go on the pipe and still got the best score of everyone. He really already won first place with a score of 46.8 and on his last run on his last trick he did his own trick he made up which is called the double Mctwist. As a two-time gold medalist in the half pipe part of the winter games, people from all America and from all over the world cheered him on for the gold.

Shaun White is the number one snowboarder in the world and that is the main reason why he is so famous. He is also famous for being so good at a young age by the time he was twelve. He has fourteen Olympics medals from gold to bronze. Shaun White is not just a snowboarder, he is also a skateboarder in the X-games. Shaun White is 23 years old and has accomplished more than people can dream of. He is the number one snowboarder, he has a video game named Shaun White snowboarding and he has done plenty more.

I think the reason I picked Shaun White is because he has done so much in his life. He does dangerous tricks so we can have entertainment. I think that is why I picked him, because he is what I want to be. Shaun White is an idol for millions and I am one of them. He goes around the world and sees the sights. He is famous everywhere he goes. I think that is why I picked him.

Page created on 4/17/2010 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 4/17/2010 12:00:00 AM

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