
Mohammed Anwar El Sadat

by Omar from Cairo


On 25 December 1918, one of the greatest peace makers was born in Shebin Abu El Kom in the El Menofia Governorate in the North of Egypt in a family which consisted of 13 members. He was graduated from The Military Academy in Cairo in 1938 and joined the “Free Officers Movement," which tried to expel Britain out of Egypt during the occupation period from about 1897 to 1956.

During World War II, he was jailed many times because of his tries to get help from other countries to expel the British forces out from Egypt. He was the one chosen to announce the breaking out of the revolution in 23rd July 1952, which removed King Farook from Egypt and announced Egypt as the “The Arab Republic of Egypt."

Anwar Saddat <br>(
Anwar Saddat

During Gamal Abd El Nasser's presidency after the revolution, Sadat held many posts as the Minister of the State and was the main speaker of the Egyptian people's assembly until he was announced the Vice president in 1968. He was the person who announced the Black News of the death of Gamal Abd El Nasser because of a heart attack in 1971. After this, he was announced to be the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt in 1971 - until his assassination in 1981.

During the first period of his presidency, he announced what is called the Corrective Revolution which started to correct the mistakes and faults of 23rd July. He started to develop the economy of Egypt but with more focusing on the military side in the government in preparing for the 1973 war.

During that war, which Egyptians call THE CROSS OF THE CANAL, it resembled glory days in Egyptian history where Egyptians got back Sinai after years and years of occupying it except one part which was called TABA. After the war ended, Egypt came out like an old lady which cannot move easily - moving like a tortoise with a completely destroyed economy. He started to put some Economical plans for the Egyptian economy to be active again as before.

Camp David - Sadat, Carter, Begin
Camp David - Sadat, Carter, Begin

In 1977, the most important part in the life of Sadat, is when he declared the visit to the Israeli Knesset in Jerusalem. He was the first Arabic leader to visit Israel and he signed a peace treaty with that country to prevent the breaking out of anymore wars into the future. Egypt signed the peace treaty with Israel with the help of United States of America in Camp David. He was awarded the Nobel Prize jointly with Menachem Begin, the Israeli PM in that time.


After the signing of that treaty and at 1979, most of the Arabic countries boycotted Egypt and expelled it from the Arabic league for more than 10 years. The headquarters of the Arabic league was transferred from Cairo to Tunis till 1989, when Egypt returned to the league and the headquarters came back again to Cairo. The treaty articles mainly focused on the future treatments between Israel and Egypt, especially on the borders. For instance Israelis are allowed to enter all parts of Sinai with no visa, but on entering Cairo or other cities outside of Sinai they need a visa.

In his last days he sent to jail many people as communists, Islamists, Feminists, University professors and students groups. He was assassinated on the annual festival of 6th of October in 1981. As there was a jumbo jet flying over the audience and all were focusing and concentrating on the show, a truck appeared in the crowd and a man known Khaled El Eslambouly came down from that truck and started shooting the president. Hosni Mubarak, the vice president, became the president on October 1981 until now.

Page created on 7/29/2006 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 7/29/2006 12:00:00 AM

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Related Links

Mohammed Anwar El Sadat
Mohammed Anwar El Sadat - Biography from Spartacus Schoolnet
My Hero story on Anwar El Sadat by Omara
Mohammed Anwar El Sadat - President Anwar Sadat's Address to the Israeli Knesset
The Camp David Accords - "For their efforts to resolve their long-standing conflict, Sadat and Begin received the 1978 Nobel Peace Prize."