
Mohamed Anwar al-Sadat

by William from Cedar Grove

Joseph Campbell once stated, "A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself." A hero is an extraordinary person who has qualities like selflessness, devotion, and inspiration that help him help other people to think of more than just themselves. Heroes accomplish many things that may help other people, even if they don’t realize it. There are many different kinds of heroes. A great hero of Egypt is Mohamed Anwar al-Sadat.

Born in 1918, Mit Abu Al Kum Al-Mitinam or Mohamed Anwar al-Sadat was the President of Egypt from September 28, 1970 until October 6, 1981. He was born in Egypt and later in life attended the Royal Military Academy in Cairo. During World War II, he was a prisoner of war. In his adult life he was married twice, once to Ehsan Madi and later to Jehan Raouf. He was assassinated in 1981 while he was still President of Egypt.

Mohamed Anwar al-Sadat is recognized in Egypt as a hero not really for being President of Egypt, but more for the fact that he made peace with Israel. As President, he received help from President James Carter of the United States to meet with the Israeli Prime Minister, Menachem Begin. Sadat was the first Arab Leader to officially visit Israel. He was highly regarded and won the Nobel Peace Prize along with Begin for signing a peace agreement, which finally brought peace between the two nations. This is what Sadat is most remembered for.

As a leader and hero of many people, Sadat had to possess many different qualities; all of these were good. Three of the many great qualities that come to mind are that he was selfless, a risk taker, and perseverant. Mohamed Anwar al-Sadat once stated, “Most people seek after what they do not possess and are enslaved by the very thing they want to acquire.” One of the qualities I believe he possessed was determination because just as he stated, he could have easily given up and stopped trying to make peace as President of Egypt with Israel. He showed complete determination and was a fighter. These are some of the qualities a hero possesses, and they are also a few of the many great character qualities he possessed.

In conclusion, a hero could be an ordinary person who makes a difference in other people’s lives. This person could be an inspiration to others to be a better person, or to do something nice. Mohamed Anwar al-Sadat of Egypt is a much respected hero of Egypt. He is one of the many great heroes of the world.

Page created on 7/13/2007 2:53:52 PM

Last edited 7/13/2007 2:53:52 PM

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