
Art - Sara Facio, Historical Portraits

by Misericordia
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Sara Facio, born in 1932 in Buenos Aires, is one of the most important artists of the Argentinian culture, and worldwide. Famous for her portraits, she took pictures of celebrities and politicians, writers like Julio Cortázar and Gabriel García Márquez, the poet Jorge Luis Borges, but also anonymous who crossed her path.

She worked very closely with Alicia d'Amico, faithful life partner. She is not "just" a photographer, she also is the curator of the photography collection at the National Museum of Beaux-Arts in Argentina, and taught drawing.

Inspired by the love of her art, she created in 1973 La Azotea, editorial photography, and published several books, including "Portraits" and "Pablo Neruda, his life in 150 files." She wrote in several newspapers and magazines as Clarin, or La Voz.

Her talent was rewarded many times. She has been exhibited in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, but also in major European capitals. She was given the title of «Famous Citizen of Buenos Aires", in 2011.

Exhibition "Fotografias", Recoleta Cultural Center

As part of the Festival de la Luz, Sara Facio exhibits her work at the Cultural Center Recoleta, Buenos Aires, and retraces in the same time, her career, travels, meetings, life in Argentina.

The black and white pictures make a special tribute to the portraits she has immortalized, throughout her career. It shows for instance the funeral of President Peron, historical moment she shares with us. This exhibition also reflects the little touch of madness of Sara Facio, who blends the techniques by painting on her pictures little yellow ducks as a wink, or by adding relief and texture to the original pictures.

The theme of this festival, passion, fits like a glove to this woman who merges with her ​​art. "What I do in photography, that's because the day I die, I don't want to be said that a cow is dead, but rather a person who saw all of this. And what I saw is in my photos. It's like saying: this is my city, my people, those whom I admire, the ones I love. "

Page created on 8/7/2014 3:42:14 PM

Last edited 8/7/2014 3:42:14 PM

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Related Links

Facebook - Sara Facio - Fotografías

Extra Info

More infos

Exhibition Fotografias, Sara Facio, until the 26th of August. Free entrance.

Centro cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires
Junín 1930
Tel : 4803-1040
Tuesday to Friday, 2pm to 9pm
Saturday, Sunday, 12am to 9pm


Author Info

Haz clic aquí para leer la historia sobre Sara Facio en español

August 5th, 2012

Permission to use this material
was granted by Misericordia.