
Tupac Amaru Shakur

by Carmina from Will Rogers Middle School

Tupac Amaru Shakur
Tupac Amaru Shakur

To me a hero is someone who has experienced lots of good and bad things. His mother Afeni Shakur was in jail because of her Black Panther activities, while she was pregnant with Tupac Shakur. She won her own release and Tupac was born Lesane Parish Crooks. His mother changed his name to Tupac Shakur which meant "shining serpent." Shakur means "thankful to God." My hero, Tupac Shakur, lived in between the years 1971 and 1996. He was shot in Las Vegas, Nevada. He passed away at the age of 25.

Afeni Shakur (Tupac's mother)
Afeni Shakur (Tupac's mother)

Afeni encouraged her children to read and learn. 12-year-old Tupac joined a Harlem theater group and acted in "A Raisin in the Sun." The things he sang about were all his emotions. Tupac recorded his first album in the year of 1990 in the year of 1996. He sold over five million copies with the song “All eyes on me!”

Tupac as a blood
Tupac as a blood

Tupac Shakur was shot in New York four times in the year of 1994 but he didn’t die. Tupac seemed to have some problems in life and, even though Tupac got sentenced to jail, he still believed in himself. "Only God can judge," said Tupac as people criticized him. Tupac Shakur still stays in the memories of every one, especially his mom's.

Although Tupac Shakur was a troubled person, I still admire him. Not only for what he did, but also for making his career better than it already was through his talent. He was always in rap's top five-bestsellers. He wanted to encourage kids to keep from using drugs but his life was cut short.

R.I.P Tupac Amaru Shakur 1971-1996.

Page created on 7/13/2006 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 7/13/2006 12:00:00 AM

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Related Links

Tupac Shakur - His life and his wish to improve the lives of other kids
Tupac Shakur - Wikipedia