

by Johnny from Farmersville

"Men brave and generous live the best lives, seldom will they sorrow; then there are fools, afraid of everything, who grumble instead of giving."
Siegfried Tasting the blood of Fafnir (Wikipedia (Arthur Rackham))
Siegfried Tasting the blood of Fafnir (Wikipedia (Arthur Rackham))

In the epic poem Nibelungenlied tells one of the greatest heroes in the north that rivals King Arthur in Legend. Known for his royalty and the way he led troops into battle. Overall that his personality that of a true noble knight determined to fulfill the requests people gave him with perseverance. He was also a tragic hero that trusted people. In the end he fell to betrayal to a someone he considered a friend. He who placed absolute faith in fallen for envy and jealousy, making this hero a tragic one as well.

The man that became a hero was a crowned prince before becoming a hero. His name was Siegfried, named by his father Sigmund the one that pulled the sword Gram which later in his tale would be Balmung reforged for Siegfried. Somewhere in the fifth-sixth century he was born in Xanten, Germany. Then lived there as its king for during his reign when he married his queen Kriemhild.

He was truly an example of a noble knight. One that would have everyone look up to him and ask for his help and do anything for a friend. Because no request will burden him if it leads to fulfilling his own desire. When he slayed the Evil Dragon Fafnir to get the treasury it guarded that would be a lifetime of wealth and with frame and glory too. Showing his generosity people's lives improved because of it as Siegfried's kingdom was the wealthiest of all the surrounding regions, often throwing great feasts and tournaments and giving tributes so large that even an entire caravan would have trouble carrying it all.

Siegfried compared to what a hero is to "A Hero's trail" - I commend him for being a hero to others near and far. He was a man that would answer the call and requests of others. Also do anything for a friend as he helped Gunther his brother-in-law get his wife the queen of Iceland by helping him through tests of strength. Plus conquered an entire kingdom to provide troops to Gunther in unstinting aid if a war broke out .

I'm a person that would aid others if they called or asked, no matter how burdensome it can be, if I can fulfill my desire in end too. Siegfried is one of a kind role model for me. Showing determination to fulfill a task and absolute faith in a friend that he wold do anything for is the sign of a hero that's a ally of justice. I hope that people would read this the Epic poem of Nibelungenlied and be taught through school as well.

Page created on 6/2/2015 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 6/2/2015 12:00:00 AM

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