
My son

by Beba from Koper, Slovenia

It is very difficult to choose a hero since being a hero may mean different things to different people ranging from brave actions, to fearless words, to determined will. There are many words that I associate with the word "hero," but the one that is closest to me is "persistence" and the person that I admire and consider my hero is definitely my son.

He had two operations, one on each foot, and he was not allowed to step on it for three weeks. He had a plaster cast for six weeks and used crutches to walk. He had his first operation at the age of sixteen and the second at the age of eighteen. This is a very delicate time for a teenager who tries to find his own identity in the process of growing up and when appearance seems to be of the utmost importance, but he coped with the situation really well. He showed a lot of courage and never felt sorry for himself. At least he never expressed it. He wanted no help or compassion and he hardly ever complained about pain.

Moreover, his operation was never an excuse for not doing his school obligations. He could not go to school, but he copied the notes that his school-mate had lent him and therefore kept track of schoolwork. When he eventually did go back to school he tried very hard to fit into everyday school life – endless going up and down the stairs with crutches was fairly easy, but without them it was difficult and painful at the end of the day. Each lesson was in a different classroom, either on the ground floor, first floor or the basement. Not a simple task to do for someone who had had such an operation. I was there for him, but he wanted to deal with the problems by himself. The only thing he wanted me to do was to drive him from our home in Prade to the school entrance - for which he was really grateful.

It is difficult to describe how a mother feels when her child is ill or when she waits for her child to wake up after on operation. When your see your child suffer, it breaks your heart. I admire his modesty, independence, and his will to cope with obstacles. He has taught me to be brave, and I respect him.

Page created on 11/5/2004 12:24:05 PM

Last edited 11/5/2004 12:24:05 PM

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