St. Cecilia was born in Rome between the second or third century. She died of an execution in 180 A.D. She was a Roman Catholic and also a martyr. Her feast day is celebrated on, November 22.
Cecilia was one of the most famous martyred virgins. She was forcefully married to a noble man named Valerianus. Cecilia's brother, Tiburtius, was arrested, along with Cecilia's husband because they were caught burying bodies of martyrs.
Not long after her brother and husband got arrested, Cecilia also got arrested. She was condemned to death. Later on during her condemning she was sentenced to beheading. A worse situation. Cecilia survived three days before she was sentenced her death date. Her wounds that were from her torturing, sadly killed her.
Cecilia is now known as the patroness of musicians and the blind. And churches who discovered and are well known to her, promoted her music. We can all relate to Cecilia by being involved with music and believing our God and our religion.
I like writing about Cecila because ever since I was little, the name Cecilia has always been an inspiring name. Reasons why the name inspires me so much is because of my grandma. Nine years before I was born, she died in a tragic head on collision with a drunk driver. I never got to meet her and for me, I keep her spirit lifted by spreading and telling stories about St. Cecila and also about my grandma. When I was getting confirmed, I also chose St. Cecilia as my saint to be confirmed with.
Page created on 11/27/2008 12:00:00 AM
Last edited 11/27/2008 12:00:00 AM
Bunson, Matthew. Our Sunday Visitor's Encyclopedia of Saints Revised. Huntington, Indiana: Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division, 1998. 199-200