
St. Damien of Molokai

by Mrs. Izuo's 2011-2012 Kindergarteners
at St. Anthony School from Kailua

The Birth of Joseph De Veuster. (student (Malia Abreu))
The Birth of Joseph De Veuster. (student (Malia Abreu))

Joseph De Veuster was born in Tremelo Belgium on January 3, 1840.  When Joseph was little he would get into trouble.  One day when he was ice-skating, the ice cracked and he fell into the icy water.  He was able to pull himself out because he was very strong.  Joseph loved God very much.  When he was a little boy, and his family couldn't find him, he was praying in church. 

Brother Damien on the boat to Hawaii (student (Tristan Haili))
Brother Damien on the boat to Hawaii (student (Tristan Haili))

Joseph wanted to be like Jesus.  He joined his brother who became a priest.  Joseph's brother Pamphile was supposed to travel to Hawaii but got sick.  Damien begged to go in his place.  Brother Damien rode from Belgium to Hawaii on a boat.  The trip lasted 148 days. 

 Damien being blessed by the Bishop (student (Kawai Lacio))
Damien being blessed by the Bishop (student (Kawai Lacio))

On May 21, 1864, Damien became a priest at Our Lady of Peace Cathedral in Honolulu.  Father Damien taught people of Hawaii about God.  The Bishop of Honolulu needed a volunteer to help the people sick with leprosy.  Father Damien offered to help. 

When Father Damien first met the sick people, he had to cover his mouth and nose because the smell from the skin of the sick people made him gag.  Father Damien didn't want to hurt the people's feelings by covering his face so he started smoking a pipe.  He didn't mind getting sick or dying, he cared about showing God's love to the sick. 

Father Damien helped people by putting bandages on the people's sores.  He built pipelines from the mountains to the village so the people can have fresh water.  Father Damien built houses for the people of Kalawao.  He taught the people how to plant gardens so they could have fresh food.  Father Damien taught the people how to enjoy music.  He built homes for the little boys and girls.  They didn't have their moms and dads to take care of them.  The king and queen of Hawaii were very proud of Father Damien.  They gave him an award for his kindness.  Father Damien got sick with leprosy.  Mother Marianne Cope took care of him.  Father Damien died on April 15, 1889.  He was declared a saint on October 11, 2009.  His feast day is May 10.

Page created on 12/15/2012 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 12/15/2012 12:00:00 AM

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Author Info

St. Anthony School Kindergarten class collaborated on this story of Father Damien