page for author [Public domain]A hero is a word that can take on many meanings, each different with every person. But to me, a hero is someone who has an unbelievable amount of courage and bravery, someone who is not afraid to say what they feel, someone who doesn’t pretend to be something they aren’t, someone who is independent, and does things for the well being of others, but most importantly, my hero must be determined, and dedicated to their goal.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton was born in Johnstown, New York on November 12, 1815 to Margaret Livingston and Judge Daniel Cady. Elizabeth, was born into a family of 11, and was the 7th born. Part of Elizabeth’s inspiration came from the death of her brother, the only male sibling. When her brother died at a young age, Elizabeth was sitting on her father’s lap, he was grieving over the death of his son, he looked at Elizabeth and said “Oh how I wish you were a boy”. Young Elizabeth responded, “I will try to be everything my brother was.” Elizabeth knew that in order to be everything that her brother was some serious adjustments in society and women’s rights would be necessary. Elizabeth went to her pastor the day after her brother’s death and told him that she needed to become well educated in math and higher language classes, this was her desire at age 11. Her determination never died; Elizabeth won the Greek competition, even though she was the only girl in these higher level classes at Johnstown Academy where she attended school. She immediately went to tell her father, and was astonished when he told her, again, that she should have been a boy.
In 1854, Elizabeth Cady Stanton made another huge accomplishment for women; she was the first woman given permission to speak in front of the New York Legislature. Her father heard that she would be delivering her first of many speeches, and he asked her to stop by Johnstown on his way. During the visit with her father, she realized her hard work had paid off. Her father told her how proud he was of her, and asked how she became so determined. She told him he was the reason.At thirty-three years of age, Elizabeth began to voice her opinion on women’s rights. She later developed a group of men and women who formed the first Women’s Rights Convention in Seneca Falls, New York. Because of Elizabeth’s deep determination and ability to never give up, the world would never be the same again for women. Elizabeth was voted the president of the Woman’s Suffrage Organization in America. This organization changed the lives of women by reassuring their determination to make sure women had the right to vote. The Woman’s Suffrage Organization also fought so that women could have the same equal opportunities, as well as educational and employment opportunities, that men had. Through this organization, Elizabeth Cady Stanton met Susan B. Anthony, another Woman’s Rights Activist, and they became close friends and worked as a team, to change the world for women. In 1848, with the help of Stanton and Anthony, the Married Woman’s Property Act of New York was passed. This act allowed women to be able to have custody of their children, hold property, make contracts, keep their own earnings and inheritance, and sue in court.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton died in 1902, just 17 years before the Women’s Suffrage Amendment was passed in 1919. But this Amendment would in no way have passed without the determination and courage of Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Without Elizabeth Cady Stanton, women would not have the same equal rights as men, today. Elizabeth Cady Stanton was so brave for standing up and fighting for her rights as a woman, especially during a time when women were looked down upon and laughed at for wanting the same rights as men. I am truly inspired by Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s bravery, courage, and determination. Without a doubt, Elizabeth Cady Stanton is my hero
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Last edited 8/15/2020 9:28:09 PM