
Howard Stern

by Mark from New Haven

I still feel like I gotta prove something. There are a lot of people hoping I fail. But I like that. I need to be hated.

This man isn't like other people. He doesn't cry when you tell him you hate him. He doesn't give up when he cannot do something. He believes what he believes and, most importantly, speaks his mind. He says whatever he feels and doesn't care what people think or say. Howard stands up for himself and never gives up. Overall, Howard Stern gets paid half a BILLION bucks just for getting up and being himself.

Howard Allen Stern was born on January 12,1954. He was born In Jackson Heights, New York. Howard is best known as being in charge of the "Howard Stern Show". He started his dream of owning his own radio station while he attended Boston University. Howard's 1st radio show took place in New York and wasn't very popular at first until he started being himself. He started talking about different things other than the weather or some other useful garbage they wanted him to do. Howard got real popular in 1993 when he came out with his book "Private Parts." He sold millions upon millions of copies. During those years Howard was fined and kicked off the air but he never gave up and now has his own show. Unfortunately you have to pay for it now.

I admire his honesty mostly. He is just so honest when he speaks. On his show he tells the people not what they want to hear... but the truth. And he throws his opinion in also. If he doesn't like something or thinks something is stupid he says it and doesn't just go along with things to make people happy. I believe Howard is an honest man and has a very talented way of expressing himself. People should look up to him for that and not just look at him and think he is sick or weird or whatever.

Overall I believe Howard made many, many accomplishments. One main one he is making right now is hosting his own radio show on Siruis. Everyone wanted to stop Howard Stern but he didn't let that happen. Howard Stern is doing what he loves to do and getting paid unbelieveable cash for it. It proves the FCC was wrong when they used to say "nobody wants to listen to you Howard." That's funny because right now there are millions of listeners and viewers watching Howard. That's a tough accomplishment. That is really hard to do.

Howard Stern is a great man. He is what he is. He is a legend. He went with his dream and made it work. You gotta respect someone for that.

Page created on 6/13/2006 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 6/13/2006 12:00:00 AM

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