
Toby Keith

by Rylee from Arkansas

<a href=>Toby Keith</a>
Toby Keith

"Will always recognize
When we see Ol' Glory flying,
There's a lot of men dead,
So we can sleep in peace at night when we lay down our head."
This is one of my favorite verses to my hero, Toby Keith’s, song. Keith is a hero to me because he actually had a life before fame. He is very talented with his musical career, and he supports our troops.

Toby Keith isn’t one of those people that was rich before he became famous. He worked in an oil field with his dad for many years. Music was always something he was into. Toby had a band with his friends that played on weekends. His father was a strong Democrat. He always flew a flag in their front yard for the veterans. His dad was in the army where he lost his right eye which is said in Keith’s hit song “Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue”. Toby didn’t even realize his dad's eye didn’t work until he was about 17 or 18. In addition to music and working in the oil field, Toby Keith was very active in sports. This country music star played on a semi-pro football team, the Oklahoma City Drillers, and he still plays basketball when he is home or on tour by carrying baskets on the back of the bus and his has a gym in his house.

A big reason that I look up to Toby Keith is because of his musical career. He is my favorite country singer and he can actually sing without having the company change his recorded voice with their equipment. He has had nine of his CDs go platinum, and six have gone multi-platinum. Not only is he a talented singer but he is a good song writer too. Keith writes 95% of his songs and he has written a few for some of his famous friends. When he saw the Twin Towers fall down he ran back into his house and wrote the song “Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue” in 20 minutes not knowing it would become a hit. He has won 17 different awards and has definitely deserved them.

My biggest reason that I look up to Toby Keith is because of his stance on the war in Iraq. Toby is a Democrat except when it comes to war. He has made trips over to Iraq to give the soldiers free concerts to thank them and to raise their spirits. He writes tons of his songs for our troops. I am very opinionated when it comes to the subject of our soldiers in Iraq and I definitely support them and thank God for them every night. I really like how Toby Keith feels the same way. His father was a veteran, and even though he couldn’t be in the army after the accident with his eye, he always supported his friends back in the army and it rubbed off on Toby.

To me Toby Keith is an all-around hero. He has an interesting life before fame, he is very talented musically, and he is notably patriotic. I look up to him for these reasons, and I'm glad he doesn't let fame go to his head like many other stars today.

Page created on 5/7/2007 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 5/7/2007 12:00:00 AM

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Toby Keith